Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Daily weather forecasts in Belarus are 96-98% accurate. This was stated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Andrey Khudyk in an interview with ONT TV channel
As noted by Andrey Khudyk, the percentage of justifiability of forecasts has increased significantly. "Now the justifiability of daily weather forecasts is 96-98%, three–day – 96-97%, weekly – 95%. This is a fairly high percentage. One of the best in the post–Soviet space," he said. According to him, there are some minor issues related to sanctions pressure, as well as unilateral breaks in agreements with the European Union. "Today we cannot get information from the European Organization of Satellite Meteorology, from the European Center for Medium-term Weather Forecasts. Our Baltic neighbors unilaterally stopped exchanging meteorological information. However, this did not affect the quality of our forecasts, they remain quite high," the Minister said. "As for the joint satellite grouping of Belarus and Russia, we are very much looking forward to this project. I am sure it will allow us to raise the level of justifiability of weather forecasts," Andrey Khudyk emphasized.   </p> </div><o:p></o:p> <p></p>
The leadership of Belhydromet took part in the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly Commission on Natural Resources, Ecology and Environmental Protection
On October 25, 2022, a meeting of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly on Natural Resources, Ecology and Environmental Protection was held in Minsk, attended by the head of the Belhydromet Tamara Gomonova and the first deputy head of the Belhydromet Svetlana Kuzmich. The event was also attended by Chairman of the Commission Nikolay Vasilkov, Deputy Chairman – Nikolay Valuev, members of the commission Valentina Kursevich, Oleg Portnik and Alexander Yaroshuk, representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State, ministries and departments of Belarus and Russia. The meeting participants considered the results of the implementation in the first half of 2022 of the Union State event “Providing comprehensive medical care to certain categories of citizens of Belarus and Russia exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster” and the Program of joint activities of Belarus and Russia within the framework of the Union State for the protection of the population and rehabilitation of territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster Nuclear power plant. Svetlana Kuzmich, first deputy head of the Belhydromet, provided information about the union programs in the field of hydrometeorological safety. The meeting participants reviewed the results of the implementation of the Union State program “Development of the hydrometeorological safety system of the Union State” for 2017-2021. Based on the information provided, the parliamentarians stated that the activities planned by the program have been fully implemented, goals and objectives have been implemented, the values of the targets exceed the planned ones. They also discussed the development and approval of the draft concept of the Union State program “Ensuring hydrometeorological safety in conditions of climate variability and change” for 2023-2027, the approval of which continues in the prescribed manner. Wnen using the information reference to Belhydromet is obligatory
Belhydromet took part in the international specialized exhibition "Energy. Ecology. Energy saving. Electro" (EnergyExpo' 2022)
The XXVI Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum was being held in Minsk from October 11 to 14, 2022 . The purpose of the forum was to promote the innovative development of the fuel and energy sector of Belarus. Every year the forum becomes a unique meeting place for power engineers and environmentalists, thereby contributing to the expansion of cooperation, the exchange of advanced developments and projects. The business program of the forum included scientific and practical conferences, round tables and seminars where experts presented modern technological solutions in the field of energy, energy conservation and ecology. As part of the business program of the forum, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus , together with the State Enterprise "Belenergo", CJSC "Technology and Communications", organized the scientific and practical conference "ESG-transformation and sustainable development" , which took place on October 11. First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Korbut, addressing to the conference participants, noted that the environmental management system created in Belarus in recent years has provided a reduction in some types of pressures on it in the conditions of economic growth. In particular, there was a decrease in specific indicators (per unit of GDP) of emissions of pollutants and wastewater discharge by 2.5 times, the energy intensity of GDP by 2 times, the area of natural ecosystems increased, the use of industrial waste increased. The ecological situation in the country has improved in a number of areas related to the state of atmospheric air, water resources and ecosystems, and individual biological species. Climate change issues are one of the most important priority areas. Despite the fact that the Republic of Belarus is responsible for only 0.19% of global emissions, we perceive responsibility for climate change as a primary task. The new contribution of the Republic of Belarus to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, determined at the national level, approved by the Government in 2021, assumes a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030 to the 1990 level, taking into account the sector "Land use, land use change and forestry". According to the data of the state inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and absorption, in 2020 the Republic of Belarus reduced emissions by 38.9 percent, and taking into account the sector "Land use, land use change and forestry" – by 56.3 percent. Systematic work is being carried out to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, to efficiently use renewable energy sources. Considerable attention is paid to minimizing the harmful effects of production on the environment by reducing the amount of waste generation, emissions and discharges, reducing the consumption of single-use plastic, and developing resource-efficient and clean production. The Action Plan approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus is being implemented, aimed at gradually reducing the use of polymer packaging with its replacement with safe packaging. A priority area for the protection and use of waters is being implemented, issues of conservation of biological and landscape diversity are always relevant. Over the past 5 years, the area of protected areas in the republic has increased by 53.5 thousand hectares and reached 1.8 million hectares or 9.1% of the country's territory. Over 10 years, more than 80 thousand hectares of disturbed peatlands have been restored. Natalia Klevets, Chief of the Climate Change Research Department of Belhydromet,  at the conference  made a report on the topic "On the development of recommendations for the adaptation of the energy industry of the Republic of Belarus to climate change" . On October 11 , the opening of the international specialized exhibition "Energy. Ecology. Energy saving. Electro" (EnergyExpo' 2022)  was held. As part of the exposition of the organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Belhydromet presented a video reflecting information on the Atlas of Wind Potential, demonstrated a 3D model of the Minsk meteorological station, which allows visitors to visually familiarize themselves with the technical capabilities of Belhydromet in the production of hydrometeorological information, as well as a video and a handout on the mobile application "Weather in your Pocket". Informational materials on environmental issues were presented for a wide range of visitors. Visitors could ask any question they are interested in when viewing the exhibition, which were answered by specialists of Belhydromet.
33rd session of the CIS ICH
On September 14-15, 2022, the 33rd session of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held via videoconference. Traditionally, the session was attended by the heads of the national hydrometeorological services of the member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, representatives of the World Meteorological Organization and the CIS Executive Council. The Republic of Belarus was represented at the session by: Alexander Burov , Director of the Department for Security Cooperation and Countering New Challenges and Threats of the CIS Executive Committee; Georgy Samsonov , Head of the Department for Cooperation in the Field of Prevention and Elimination of Consequences of Emergency Situations of the Department for Cooperation in the Field of Security and Countering New Challenges and Threats of the CIS Executive Committee; Tamara Gomonova , Head of the State institution "Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radioactive Contamination and Environmental Monitoring" (Belgidromet); Andrey Korobchuk , Deputy Head of the department of International Cooperation and Public Relations of Belhydromet; Polina Palchekh , a leading engineer of the environmental information department of Belhydromet. The session was opened by Levon Azizyan, Acting Director of the Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia. Deputy Secretary General of WMO Elena Manaenkova delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization. Danara Alimbayeva, Director General of the Republican state Enterprise "Kazhydromet" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chaired the 33rd session of the CIS MSG. During the session, representatives of the national hydrometeorological services presented reports on the work of the national hydrometeorological services during the intersessional period, as well as considered other topical issues on their interaction and development. The participants of the session from Belgidromet made presentations: "On the activities of the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Belarus and its interaction within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the World Meteorological Organization"; "On the organization and conduct of hydrobiological observations on water bodies of the CIS MSG member countries". Following the results of the session, decisions were made determining the further interaction of the national hydrometeorological services of the CIS member states in the near future (2022-2023). In accordance with the documents of the session, Danara Alimbayeva, Director General of the Republican state enterprise "Kazhydromet" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was appointed Chairman of the CIS MSG for the next period. The next 34th session of the CIS MSG is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2023 in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The session was opened by Levon Azizyan, Acting Director of the Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia. Deputy Secretary General of WMO Elena Manaenkova delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization. Danara Alimbayeva, Director General of the Republican state Enterprise "Kazhydromet" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chaired the 33rd session of the CIS MSG. During the session, representatives of the national hydrometeorological services presented reports on the work of the national hydrometeorological services during the intersessional period, as well as considered other topical issues on their interaction and development. The participants of the session from Belgidromet made presentations: "On the activities of the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Belarus and its interaction within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the World Meteorological Organization"; "On the organization and conduct of hydrobiological observations on water bodies of the CIS MSG member countries". Following the results of the session, decisions were made determining the further interaction of the national hydrometeorological services of the CIS member states in the near future (2022-2023). In accordance with the documents of the session, Danara Alimbayeva, Director General of the Republican state enterprise "Kazhydromet" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was appointed Chairman of the CIS MSG for the next period. The next 34th session of the CIS MSG is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2023 in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. When using the information reference to Belhydromet is obligatory
September 16 - International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
The theme of September 16, 2022 is "The Montreal Protocol: Global cooperation to protect life on Earth." This motto is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the adoption of the Montreal Protocol, the most successful agreement on environmental protection. On September 16, 1987, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed. In honor of this event, the International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was established. In the mid-70s, scientists discovered that a number of chemicals used by humans cause the destruction of atmospheric ozone. Further study of the atmosphere made it possible to detect a giant ozone hole over Antarctica, and in general to better understand the processes taking place in the air. The discovery turned out to be so important that scientists who claimed the destruction of the ozone layer received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. The protocol adopted as a result of these studies is one of the most successful examples of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection. Thanks to its observance, humanity has not only managed to prevent a global catastrophe, but also to achieve a sustainable recovery of the ozone layer on the planet. Ozone is one of the natural forms of oxygen existence. The gas consists of three oxygen atoms and is designated as O3. About 10% of all atmospheric ozone is in the troposphere, which extends 10-15 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The remaining 90% of ozone is located in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 30 kilometers. This zone with the highest concentration of ozone is known as the ozone layer. The higher the concentration of ozone, the better it protects organisms from solar radiation. Ozone is an extremely unstable gas. At room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, it turns into ordinary oxygen O2 in a few minutes. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, it can exist relatively steadily, but even there there is a constant process of its decay and formation. All these chemical reactions occur under the influence of sunlight. The thinning of the ozone layer reduces its absorption capacity, which makes ordinary sunlight dangerous for life on Earth. The widespread use in industry and everyday life of gases containing halogens (especially chlorine and bromine) has led to a serious increase in their concentration in the atmosphere. These compounds are relatively inert and can exist in the air for a long time, they are not extracted from the atmosphere with precipitation, and over time, with the natural movement of air flows, they enter the stratosphere. There they actively react with ozone, oxidize, and subsequently return to the ground. Chemical reactions occurring in the atmosphere are complex and multi-stage. Computer simulations show that one atom of bromine or chlorine can, after going through the entire chain of transformations, destroy thousands of ozone molecules. And since the process of its formation has remained unchanged, such an increased rate of decay threatens to disrupt the existing balance. Due to the peculiarities of the movement of air flows and the properties of the gases themselves, their lowest concentration is in the tropics, and the highest is at the poles. This is one of the reasons that the largest ozone hole is located over Antarctica, although emissions of ozone-depleting substances occur all over the world. Despite all the difficulties in assessing the state of the atmosphere, it can be argued that the adoption of the Montreal Protocol and compliance with its conditions have already yielded results. The ozone content is growing by an average of 2% per decade. Today, the ozone layer is being restored. Forecasts for each of the ozone-depleting substances vary, but in general, ozone levels will return to 1980 levels by the middle of the century. In compliance with the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, all countries of the world can expect a complete purification of the atmosphere from ozone-depleting substances by 2100. The ozone layer is also of great importance for maintaining the temperature balance on our planet. The fight against global warming, which is happening today as a result of anthropogenic activity, is an urgent problem of all states, in particular, industrialized countries, including the Republic of Belarus. The ozone layer is considered one of the most important natural objects that are subject to legal protection. The Protocol has been in force for the Republic of Belarus since 1989. Since then, the country has fulfilled all its obligations, the consumption of ozone-depleting substances has decreased by more than 60 times. In order to conduct research in the field of the ozone layer, on June 14, 1997, the Establishment of the Belarusian State University "National Research Center for Monitoring the Ozone Layer" was established, whose specialists monitor changes in the thickness of the ozone layer over Belarus, and also work on the issue of disposal of hazardous gases and replacing them with safe analogues, constantly monitor the state of the atmosphere and the ozone layer. While we protect the ozone layer, it continues to protect all the diversity of life on the planet. When using the information reference to Belhydromet is obligatory
September 18 - World Water Monitoring Day
Every year, on September 18, since 2003, the World Water Monitoring Day, or World Water Quality Monitoring Day, is celebrated. This ecological holiday, established on the initiative of the American Clean Water Foundation, has now become an informational and educational program aimed at raising public awareness of the problems of the planet's water resources and participating in protection from pollution. The program provides an opportunity for people to carry out basic monitoring of the state of local reservoirs themselves, carried out with the support of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA). Traditionally, on this day, it is customary to take water samples from various surface water bodies of our planet to assess its safety for human life and living organisms. The purpose of the World Water Monitoring Day is to raise public awareness about the quality of water resources and the measures taken to protect them from pollution. Systematic monitoring of water resources contributes to improving the quality of water consumed by humans and, as a result, reduces risks to public health. Main sources of water pollution: Surface water pollution Hazardous substances in contact with various water sources lead to contamination of surface waters. Harmful substances from various sources are mixed or dissolved with the water of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and then seas and oceans, which leads to contamination of surface waters. Groundwater pollution Pesticides and chemicals applied to crops and soil are washed deep into the ground during rain. Pesticides are mixed with groundwater and lead to their contamination. Suspended matter pollution With such pollution, pollutants enter the water and don’t mix with water molecules. Therefore, suspended particles in the water form silt on the water bottom. Bacterial contamination Microorganisms cause this type of water pollution. Although most microorganisms are harmless, some bacteria and viruses can cause serious health problems. Chemical contamination of water Many industries and farmers use chemicals for various purposes. This leads to water pollution. Various chemicals are used to control weeds, insects and pests that let leeches into the water and spread pollution. In addition, metals and solvents from industry also lead to water pollution. Our country has sufficient reserves of water resources. However, with the development of industry and agriculture, there is a negative impact on the environment, including on water quality. Within the framework of the National Environmental Monitoring System in the Republic of Belarus, which has been functioning in the Republic of Belarus since 1993, surface and groundwater monitoring is carried out. An effective tool for preventing excessive discharges of pollutants is to conduct analytical (laboratory) control on a regular basis. More than 10,000 water samples are analyzed annually, and more than 500 wastewater releases into surface water bodies are monitored. Observation points for the state of surface waters, indicators and frequency of monitoring the quality of surface waters are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 180-OD dated July 19, 2019 "On monitoring surface and groundwater". Sampling of surface waters by specialists of Belgidromet Monitoring of surface waters on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out at 297 observation points. Regular observations are carried out on 160 water bodies, including 86 watercourses (176 observation points) and 74 reservoirs (121 observation points). Measurement of water color by specialists of Belgidromet Observations on hydrochemical indicators are carried out by the state institution "Republican center for analytical control in the field of environmental protection" (RCAC), on hydrobiological - by the state institution "Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and environmental monitoring" (Belgidromet). Photo taken from Internet sources An important direction in the development of surface water monitoring in recent years is the phased deployment of observations on hydromorphological indicators carried out within the framework of the state program. Photo taken from the website The problems of the impact of climate change on water resources are in the field of view of the Ministry of Natural Resources and systematic work is being carried out in this direction. Thus, within the framework of the State Program "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" for 2016-2020, approved by Resolution No. 205 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 17, 2016, the Ministry of Natural Resources has developed a draft Strategy for water Resources management in the context of climate change for the period up to 2030. Water is an element without which life on Earth would not have appeared. The human body, like all living things, cannot exist without life-giving moisture and consists of 3/4 of water. Water quality requirements make it possible to protect people from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, so attention to its quality is an important task for every inhabitant of the planet who thinks about his health and longevity. When using the information reference to Belhydromet is obligatory
73rd meeting of the Joint Board of the Union State Committee of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Pollution Monitoring
On August 10-11, 2022, the 73rd meeting of the joint board of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Pollution Monitoring was held in Irkutsk (Russian Federation). For reference: for 26 years, the joint board has been a platform for constructive dialogue, solving hydrometeorological issues of Belarus and Russia, exchanging experience, discussing current activities and promising scientific developments, as well as building friendly relations between the two countries. The meeting was opened by  head of Roshydromet Igor Shumakov . Welcoming the participants of the meeting, he noted that the hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus, despite the sanctions pressure, remain among the leaders of the world hydrometeorological services. "For the main consumers of our information, both professional and non-professional, nothing has changed. What it cost us, only we know, but, nevertheless, as we were among the world leaders of hydrometeorological services, we remain so," Shumakov said. He also stressed that the hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus work as a whole, which also allows overcoming difficulties. The head of the Belhydromet, Tamara Gomonova, noted that her department receives full support from the Roshydromet. "If we have any questions, we always get in touch and get competent help and support. And in the future we will only deepen our cooperation," she said. The participants of the event reviewed the program for ensuring hydrometeorological safety in conditions of climate variability and change for 2023-2027, the results of the implementation of the program "Development of the hydrometeorological safety system of the Union State" for 2017-2021. In addition, the agenda of the joint board included reports on "Increasing the number of observation points on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, data from which will be received for international exchange, and practical results achieved as a result of the expansion of the state observation network of the Republic of Belarus", "On the experience of using the CliWare system in the interests of various categories of users and the directions of its further development and modernization; "On the use of satellite data for monitoring the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation" and others. The decisions adopted at the Board will further improve the efficiency of information exchange of data and the development of services, strengthen cooperation in the field of climate change in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The next meeting of the joint board of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Pollution Monitoring is scheduled to be held in the IV quarter of 2022 in the Republic of Belarus. Some photos are taken from the website of Roshydromet  
July 3 - Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus
  Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus is a holiday of Belarusian statehood, which is celebrated annually on July 3 . July 3 is a historically significant date in the fate of Belarus. The date has become a symbol of freedom and peace. On this day in 1944, the troops of Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky and General of the Army Ivan Chernyakhovsky liberated the city of Minsk from Nazi invaders. For reference. Until the end of 1996, Independence Day in the republic was celebrated on July 27 - the day the Declaration of Sovereignty was adopted in 1990, but at the republican referendum, the majority of the inhabitants of our country decided to celebrate the holiday on July 3. Belarusians paid a high price for the victory in the Great Patriotic War. According to updated estimates, every third inhabitant of the country died, of which about a million were children under 18 years old... The culmination of the victory was the liberation of Minsk. Residents of the capital arranged a grandiose meeting for the liberators. In one of the military reports, this was described as follows: "The tanks looked like huge bouquets of flowers, and not like formidable fighting vehicles." With special solemnity, Independence Day in Belarus is celebrated on anniversaries - 60, 65, 70 and 75 years from the date of liberation from German occupation. Belhydromet congratulates you on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus! We celebrate this holiday, glorifying our heroes who overcame the terrible difficulties of the war in order to liberate their native land! We wish you good health, prosperity and a peaceful sky above your head!

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