Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Visit of specialists from the National Center of Study of Water Resources at the Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia to Belhydromet
  Visit of specialists from the National Center of Study of Water Resources at the Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia is held in Belhydromet from 16 to 30 June as part of training course “Radiation monitoring of natural and man-made radionuclides in environmental compartment”.  During the visit guests will familiarize with main activities of Radiation Monitoring Service of Belhydromet and with regulatory and legal acts governing conduct of radiation monitoring in the Republic of Belarus. Both lecture and laboratory classes will be held. On basis of laboratory of radiometry and radiochemistry and laboratory of radio spectrometry , laboratory classes will be held with the participation of teachers of the Belarusian State University.   It is also planned to visit Atomtech UE and familiarize with instruments and equipment of their production. In addition, guests from Saudi Arabia will visit settlement of Masana, which is located on the territory of the Polesye State Radiation and Ecological Reserve, where they will take part in practical exercises on sampling of environmental objects. Belhydromet was selected for training specialists of National Center for Study of Water Resources at the Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia and it testifies high professionalism of workers of radiation monitoring service of Belhydromet.   
WMO embarks on new strategy on hydrology and water resources
Water stress, water-related hazards and water quality pose increasing challenges to modern society. And yet, the capacity to monitor and manage this vital resource is fragmented and inadequate. The World Meteorological Organization has therefore decided to give greater priority to strengthening operational hydrological services and to improve monitoring and forecasting.  This is key to tackle issues of too much, too little or too polluted water and supports operational management, planning and decision support. The World Meteorological Congress – WMO’s top decision-making body – approved the way forward towards  new vision and strategy for hydrology and water resources after a special Hydrological Assembly, which heard calls to “count every drop because every drop counts.” “We need to think about water as our most precious commodity on the planet,” said WMO President David Grimes (Environment and Climate Change Canada) . “The impacts of climate change means that there is no time but now to organize ourselves to help decision- makers around the world address such an important issue. “ The Congress approved eight long-term ambitions that should guide the development of WMO activities relevant to water: No one is surprised by a flood; Everyone is prepared for drought; Hydro-climate and meteorological data support the food security agenda; High-quality data supports science; Science provides a sound basis for operational hydrology; We have a thorough knowledge of the water resources of our world; Sustainable development is supported by information covering the full  hydrological cycle; Water quality is known; Congress also agreed to increase the involvement and participation of the broad hydrological community in WMO activities as part of WMO’s planned reform of its governance structures towards a more seamless earth systems approach embracing more integrated weather, climate, water, environmental and ocean services. “We want to open the doors wider for the hydrological community in the future,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. In many countries, meteorological and weather services are separate from hydrological and water services. Cooperation between these services, and with users, is a key to provide integrated and complete information need to support water-smart decision-making. Climate change, urbanization and pollution mean that water resources are stressed as never before. Water-related hazards like drought and flooding are becoming more serious, and a much greater proportion of annual precipitation is now falling in extreme precipitation events rather than spread more evenly throughout the year. Most rivers and fresh water bodies are trans-boundary and decisions by one country on water resource management often have implications for other countries, thus making water a potential source for both peace and conflict. And yet, many countries lack the capacity to monitor and analyse relevant data. This means that decisions on major infrastructure projects like dams or hydroelectric plants as well as urban planning are often made on the basis of outdated or incomplete information. For the first time, the quadrennial World Meteorological Congress therefore hosted a special three-day Hydrological Assembly, attended by 100 participants from more than 50 countries, to discuss a roadmap to ensure sustainable monitoring and decision support for the management of water resources and to support disaster risk reduction. At a high-level panel session, the Hon M. Abdel Aty, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt, cited the example of the Nile river basin. He underlined the key role that scientific knowledge plays in contributing to the solution of trans-boundary water management issues and pointed to the need of reinforcing international collaboration in order to share the benefits from improved water resources management. The panel focussed on how to harness water as an instrument for peace and sustainable development. Key points emerging from the panel discussion were: Water is a key factor for life, environmental protection and sustainable development. Several stressors are affecting the water cycle, its resulting water resources distribution and availability. Special emphasis was given to climate change, population growth and water quality There is a lack of a single strong political voice for water within the UN system, and WMO should take a more proactive coordination and leadership role, focussing on its mandate in Operational Hydrology. There is a market potential for expanding hydrological data and services. WMO could contribute to strike a balance between particular and general societal interest. Collecting, managing and sharing data are fundamental for developing appropriate water management solutions. Data and knowledge are of fundamental importance for informing the decision-making process, particularly in international and transboundary basins. Water quality and quantity issues should be addressed in a holistic way. There is need for opening a dialogue with all users to take into account their needs. Congress approved the appointment of Jan Danhelka (Czech Republic) as chairperson and José Alberto Zuñiga Mora (Costa Rica) as vice chairperson of the Hydrological Assembly until the next session of the Hydrological Assembly is held. During the Hydrological Assembly, WMO and the Global Water Partnership signed a Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on strategic collaboration to achieve the objectives of Integrated Water Resources Management. This builds on existing initiatives, including integrated programmes on flood and drought management. An integrated, cross-sector approach to water resource management is vital because water investments are spread across many institutions and different levels of government. WMO has a number of additional water-related initiatives, including the Flash Flood Guidance System. Additionally, WMO is responsible for the direction of the the World Water Data Initiative, which was implemented under the leadership of the Australian Government and the World Bank. Better data is key to better management of water. With these developments, hydrology is more prominent than ever in the WMO. Congress created new possibilities for a more effective integration of hydrology , climate science and meteorology to support its Members and to inform regional and global processes like the Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Water is the commodity of the 21st Century, WMO is responding the call of its Members to act on water issues now. Source:  
RECOMMENDATIONS of conduction in extreme weather conditions during summer period
  HEAT In case of heat, it is recommended: •,to close windows with shutters and curtains during the day, and to open them only for  night. If possible, during the hours of the highest temperature increase, you should stay at home and use air conditioning;  • to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water daily, to avoid alcohol, as well as drinks containing caffeine and large amounts of sugar;  • to wear headwear and light-colored clothing, to limit sun exposure;   • diet should be changed in favor of summer salads, mineral water, juices and cold soups; • to drivers not to drive under the sun if  car is not equipped with air conditioning.   FOREST FIRE AREA • do not make a fire in a dry forest or on a moor. Do not set fire to dry grass in fields or glades in the forest; • ever leave a fire unattended! Keep the prepared fuel in about three to five meters from the burning fire; • if the fire is just beginning to flare up, try to bring down the flame with a broom from green branches or throw it with earth. Report the incident to the nearest locality or forestry; • if the fire is strong, your task is to leave dangerous place as soon as possible; • to avoid windbreaks: dry trees and grass flash instantly;  • relatively safe places are plowed field, large wasteland or rocky ridge.  THUNDERSTORM If storm caughts you off guard: • to avoid detached trees; • while working in the field, leave  metal tools; • do not stand under open umbrella; • do not touch electrical objects and take them out of your pockets; • turn off cell phone (there were cases when an incoming call caused lightning strike); • if possible, wait out storm in the car;  • stay away from tall metal structures; • do not bathe, do not ford the river, move away from the reservoir; • it is impossible to lie on the ground, since the earth is a good conductor of electricity and lightning can get into it; • try not to be at the highest point on the ground.  
June, 5 – World Environment Day
World Environment Day, established by UN is celebrated every year on June 5th. For all ecologists and environmental organizations this date is one of the main ways to attract world attention to environmental issues, as well as to stimulate political interest and appropriate actions aimed at protecting the environment.   The holiday was proclaimed in 1972 at 27th session of UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A / RES / 2994 of December 15, 1972). The chosen date was June 5 –  the day the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment began its work (Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment). Then came creation of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Man is a creator and at the same time the creator of his environment, which ensures his physical existence and provides him with opportunities for intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development. In the course of long and painful evolution of humanity on our planet, as a result of accelerated development of science and technology, man acquired the ability to transform his environment in unprecedented scales to this day. Both aspects of human environment, both natural and man-made, are crucial for their well-being and for basic human rights, including even the right to life itself.   The celebration of this Day is designed to arouse in everyone the desire to contribute to environmental protection and to encourage as many people as possible to take action in order to prevent growing burden on the planet’s natural life support systems.  Message from the Head of United Nations on the Occasion of the Environment Day The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is air pollution. Around the world - from megacities to small villages - people breathe polluted air. It is estimated that nine out of ten people in the world are exposed to air pollutants which concentration exceeds standards specified in World Health Organization's guidelines on air quality. Because of this life expectancy of people in different countries of the world decreases, state of economy getting worse.   Take part in the company #beatairpollution”     Here are some examples: Use public transport, car sharing, bicycle or walk by foot,  Use a hybrid or electric vehicle and order an electric taxi,   Turn off car engine when parking, Reduce own consumption of meat and dairy products to help reduce methane emissions, Compost organic food waste and recycle inorganic waste, Switch to the use of highly efficient heating systems and equipment, Save energy: turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use, Give preference to non-toxic colors and furniture.  References ,  
Belhydromet will take part in XV Republican Environmental Forum on June, 7- 8 in Novogrudok
  XV Republican Environmental Forum will be held on June 7-8 in Novogrudok (Grodno region). Special theme of event – “Sustainable development of small towns: global challenges and local solutions”.   Forum’s program is oriented on realization of execution President of orders on  restore order on the land and landscaping, creating favorable conditions for living in cities, effective system  of waste management, preservation of biological and landscape diversity for future generations and other important orders on question of environmental protection.  Minister of natural resources and environmental protection Andrei Khudyk notes, that special theme of Forum reflects one of key tasks for Belarus and whole world society. It is   preservation of natural resources for future generations.  “The need to build a balanced management system  “man - environment – economy” is recognized by world community as main condition for achieving sustainable development of life on Earth. Our state takes environmental problems very seriously. Firstly National Sustainable Development Strategy was developed in 1997. Now National Sustainable Development Strategy is being prepared for the period until 2035. Ways of overcoming global environmental threats associated with climate change, waste management, conservation of biological and landscape diversity have been identified. We have achieved high results in this direction, and for further sustainable development of Belarus they need to be consolidated.  Today it is time to unite efforts of Belarusian cities, large and small, in search of effective ways of further sustainable development. XV Republican Ecological Forum is held for this purpose, which will be unique opportunity to meet and exchange experiences of representatives of cities, universities and academia, private business, international organizations, and public. Representatives of environmental authorities of public administration in a number of foreign countries are also invited to participate in forum. In total, more than 1,000 participants and tens of thousands of Grodno residents are expected to attend the event.     Venue of the forum was also chosen not by chance. The head of state has determined a course for development of small settlements, creation of comfortable living conditions in them. Novogrudok is city that is one of the flagships in the field of sustainable development of medium and small cities. In 2017, Novogrudok became a pilot city of Green Cities project, and today it is a worthy base for replicating experience   On March 15 Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Andrei Khudyk, visited main facilities of 15th Republican Environmental Forum during working visit to Novogrudok district. Minister met with the Chairman of Novogrudok Regional Executive Committee Sergey Fedchenko, with whom he discussed the final program of Forum and timing of the preparation of facilities for events. Also, head of environmental department discussed organizational issues of the Forum in working order with chairman of Grodno regional executive committee, Vladimir Kravtsov.  REFERENCE: Republican Ecological Forum has been held in Belarus since 2003. Over the years, forum events were held in Orsha, Gorki, Polotsk, Braslav, Myadel, Rechitsa, Grodno, Brest, Molodechno, Bobruisk, Mazyr, Minsk, Vitebsk. Ecological forum has developed its traditions - it always becomes a significant event in the life of city in which it is held. The forum is organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection with the assistance of local executive and regulatory bodies, international organizations and partners.  The forum is held in order to consolidate and activate all strata of society in solving problems of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, to maximize the involvement of citizens of the republic in the environmental movement, improve ecological culture of the population of the republic, promote principles of sustainable development. Delegations include employees of environmental services of the Republic of Belarus, CIS countries and other foreign countries, representatives of organizations (enterprises), representatives of media, public associations.  Forum is attended by members of Government of the Republic of Belarus, representatives of government bodies, republican and local public associations, media, creative teams, various age groups of people.  Source:  
69th meeting of the joint board of Union State Committee on hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution
    The 69th meeting of the joint board of Union State Committee on hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution is held in Gomel on May 16-17, 2019.  The meeting was opened by Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Andrei Pavlovich Khudyk. He highly appreciated joint work of hydrometeorological services of Belarus and Russia in his welcoming speech and wished all the participants fruitful work.  Agenda of the 69th meeting is very rich. Participants will have to consider questions on the implementation of Union State’s program for 2017–2021 “Development of Union State Hydrometeorological Safety System” on the organization of accounting and monitoring of observational subdivisions and observation networks of Roshydromet, on how to alert government authorities and population when there are threats of adverse and dangerous weather phenomena, on optimization of agrometeorological observation system under the conditions of modernization of hydrometeorological network.  There will also be discussed the issue of developing a concept for Union State program in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas for 2022–2026, as well as  number of other important issues of joint activities within the Union State. Scientific and practical seminar is held in parallel with the meeting of joint board on the topic “Climate change in 21st century, risks and adaptation,” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Union State creation.  Seminar will feature presentations on following topics: “Heat waves of the cold period of the year in Belarus”, “The role of  climatic factor in  zoning of the territory of Belarus and neighboring states”, “Regional climate features of Belarus and their change over past decades” and “Anthropogenic air pollution and surface ozone in cities of Belarus. Among speakers are representatives of Belhydromet, Belarusian State University, Federal State Budgetary Institution “MGO im. A.I. Voeikova, National Research Center for Ozonosphere Monitoring.   The topic of climate change is currently one of the most relevant in the world. The Republic of Belarus is one of signatories to  Paris Agreement, which aims to implement  resolution of UN General Assembly “Transforming our world: Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030”, and aims to support environmental integrity, renewable energy, green economy, technology transfer, climate change mitigation and adaptation to changing climate.   
April 26 – 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster
   Dear friends!  Tragic date in the history of Belarus is approaching - another anniversary of the largest technological catastrophe not only in the territory of the former Soviet Union, but also, in the whole world. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant affected fates of millions of people, the scale of the accident was so great that it took heroic efforts by executives of all ranks, professionals, ordinary people to quickly assess the radiation situation, develop technical and managerial solutions aimed at preventing even more serious consequences of the catastrophe and organization of events to save life and health of ppeople. Belhydromet together with other ministries and institutions took part in elimination of consequences of the Chernobyl NPP disaster.  Since 1963 Belarus have measured gamma-radiation dose rate (MD) at a network of hydrometeorological stations, and then control points for radioactive fallout from the atmosphere were introduced (natural precipitation from the atmosphere was sampled using horizontal plates). Radiation monitoring network available in 1986 made it possible to estimate dynamics of gamma-radiation dose rate levels and iodine-131 and cesium-137 concentrations in the air in first days after the Chernobyl disaster. One of the most important and urgent areas in the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Belarus was the organization of work to assess radioactive contamination of the territory and phased creation of radiation monitoring system. In order of Belhydromet No. 80 dated 05/19/1986 in connection with the expansion of work on  control of radioactive contamination of south-eastern territory of the BSSR at Minsk Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Pollution Research (CRVP) organized laboratory for control of radioactive contamination in order to strengthen and expand radiation monitoring work. Radiation and radiation-environmental monitoring departments have been established on the basis of Minsk CRSPS with spectrometry laboratories, radiation monitoring of surface waters, soil and atmospheric air. In 1986 soil sampling was organized in contaminated areas near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in which took part specialists from the center. For these purposes helicopters were chartered in Moscow and sets of protective clothing were purchased.  On the basis of data on density of radioactive contamination of the territory of Belarus, obtained as a result of expeditionary surveys, already in June 1986, Institute of Nuclear Energy of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR (now State Institute of Nuclear Physics and Electronics-Sosny) prepared first radioactive contamination map of the territory of the republic with cesium-137, where directly took part Behydromet specialists. In 1987, together with Moscow specialists, an expedition was conducted to examine water bodies polluted as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Expedition was carried out on ship of Gomel Shipping Company. Through Belhydromet laboratory passed a huge stream of samples of natural objects, taken in south-eastern part of Belarus, and then throughout the territory of the republic. Test results of samples were analyzed for accuracy, systematized and recorded first on paper, then in specialized electronic database.  To ensure compliance with unified methodological guidance for assessment of radioactive contamination, coordination of data obtained by various departments Council of Ministers of Belarussian SSR No. 555 from 12/12/1989 established an Interdepartmental Commission for Radiation Control of Natural Environment at Belhydromet. In 1991, The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On legal regime of territories subjected to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl NPP disaster” was adopted, in which functions of Belhydromet were legislatively fixed: conducting general assessment of radiation situation in the republic (radiation monitoring), maintaining data bank on radioactive contamination of the territory of the Republic of Belarus. During this period Belhydromet organized large-scale radiation survey of populated areas of the Republic of Belarus including a household survey of populated areas located in radioactively contaminated area (territories with 137Cs contamination levels 37 kBq / m2 (1 Ci / km2) and more). Survey results were systematized, analyzed and used in zoning the territory of the republic according to levels of radioactive contamination. According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 258-З from 12.05.1999. “On introducing changes and amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus“ On the legal regime of territories subjected to radioactive contamination as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ”at least once every 5 years on the basis of updated data is updated and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus related to radioactively contaminated areas.  The project of the List and maps of zones of radioactive contamination is being prepared by Belhydromet specialists. The adopted zoning is effectively used in planning and carrying out measures to minimize consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and ensure radiation safety of population. Since 1987, Belhydromet conducts regular observations of radioactive contamination of rivers of Dnieper basin - Pripyat, Dnieper, Sozh, Iput, Besed, and since 1993 - observations of vertical migration of radionuclides on the network of landscape-geochemical sites located on various soil types.  Our specialists participated in number of international programs of European Commission, including preparation of Atlas of European Pollution with Cesium-137; international project of Franco-German Chernobyl Initiative “Radioecological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident”.  As part of implementation of measures of Joint Action Program to Overcome Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in framework of the Union State uniform technical documents were developed in 1997–2010 for two states to monitor environmental radioactive contamination, thematic Atlas of current and forecasted aspects of the accident in affected areas of Russia and Belarus the radiation situation in the border areas of Russia and Belarus has been clarified United States. Databases were formed based on the results of the survey of Polesye State Radiation and Ecological Reserve. Measuring equipment and computer equipment acquired at the expense of the Allied programs allowed us to raise radiation monitoring and environmental monitoring to a higher level.  For the past 33 years, the republic has been doing everything possible to mitigate consequences of the Chernobyl accident, to return part of radioactively contaminated land to economic use, and to provide social protection to affected population.  Currently radiation monitoring in the Republic of Belarus is carried out as part of National Environmental Monitoring System in the Republic of Belarus. Collection, processing, analysis, and storage of the results of observations are carried out using modern information technology. Archival data on radiation situation is used to prepare certificates on the density of radioactive contamination of populated areas, which are necessary to providing social protection bodies with social benefits, including pensions. Certificates are issued free of charge when the applicant contacts Belhydromet. On the eve of the anniversary of the Chernobyl accident we gratefully remember former and current employees of Belhydromet, who showed dedication and high professionalism in the most difficult conditions of the first period of elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: Pokumeyko Y.M., Gruk P.V., Skuratovich I.M., Rudneva S.P., Matveenko I.I., Solenov I.P., Sych V.N., Polishchuk A.I., Khamitsevich N.R., Bakhirev V.N., Nikolaychik V.I., Kotov A.P., Shagalova E.D., Rovkach A.I., Kuznetsov E.D., Ponomarenko B.A., Pivovar P.A., Patokin A.I., Kozlovsky A.V., Klimenok A.I., Tishchikov G.M., Nikishina T.A., Obraz M.E., Berlovich S.V., Samsonov V.L., Germenchuk M.G., Zhukova O.M., Ambrazhevich M.L., Petrovsky O.M., Pliner E.R., Leitus A.I., Soroka A.V., Demenchuk M.A., Kovalev N.P., Korobko V.I., Mastibrotsky P.E., Shutko A.G., Popov V.V., Gurnovsky A.S., Zubov M.N., Ponomarenko B.I., arfenov V.V.,  Sushchenya V.V., Maksyuta O.M., Guzilevich S.A. and many others ... Not all of them have status of a liquidator, but their role in eliminating and minimizing consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in the establishment and development of radiation monitoring of environment in the Republic of Belarus is invaluable. 
April 22 – International Earth Day. Belhydromet contributed to landscaping and greening of Belarus
 World earth day is celebrated annually on April 22. It’s a day of our common cozy home. The holiday was established on 63rd General Assembly UN in 2009 and it’s celebrated from 2010.  Tradition to celebrate on April 22 was born in USA in 1970; it is an international action from 1990. In northern hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in spring, and in Southern hemisphere holiday is celebrated in autumn. The main purpose of this global action is to draw attention of society and every person to Earth problems. On the eve of the holiday and on this date various events are organized - “actions on environmental protection” are held in the form of traditional spring subbotniks, when it is customary to clean up, plant trees and participate in rallies and demonstrations. As all over the world in our country people improve territory of cities, carry out large-scale tree plantings, plant flowers. Planting trees in public places has become a good tradition. Nowadays Earth day has become a large movement where people of all ages and nations take part. The idea of celebration is to draw attention of planet’s population to negative impacts of scientific and technological progress on the environment. Everyone can go out and take part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets.  This year staff of Belhydromet also contributed to greening and cleaning of the country.  Within the framework of republican community work day head of Belhydromet Raman Labaznau, together with representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus with teachers and students of Feodosiy Kirichenko’s Gymnasium №9 and secondary school №26 of Grodno took part in planting greenery in Grodno. First deputy head of Belhydromet Oleg Klimovich supported action for improvement of small homeland. On April 20 together with heads of enterprises and organizations of Pervomaisky district and administration, owner of honorary title of “Minsk resident of the year” and representatives of deputies' corps he took part in laying an oak alley dedicated to 50th anniversary of Pervomaisky district of Minsk in Zelenyy Lug at the crossing Karbysheva and Sedyh.    Employees of Belhydromet also took part in a large-scale republican action Following the example of leaders. Volunteer team held a work day on the territory of Belhydromet.  Some workers were involved in improvement of yard area of Belgidromet: they cleaned last year’s dry foliage and garbage, while others cleaned up building: washed windows and cleaned rooms.   Good weather and united actions of friendly team made it possible to cope with a large amount of work quickly and efficiently. They did their best: they put things in order and recharged themself  with positive energy! By the way, an interesting fact: this year the tradition of Saturday work celebrated exactly 100 years. The first event of such work was organized on April 12 in 1919 at the depot Moscow-Sortirovochnay of Moscow-Kazan railway.  

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