Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Belhydromet participated in the 21st international exhibition of technologies and innovations in the industry "TechInnoProm"
From 29 May to 1 June 2018 in Minsk, the Football Manege (Minsk, Pobediteley 20/2) in the framework of the Belarusian industrial forum was held the 21st international exhibition of technologies and innovations in the industry Tehnoprom. The exhibition included three thematic sections:  industrial equipment, technologies and products; industry 4.0-modern industrial automation, advanced innovative materials and technologies; energy in industry, energy saving, ecology. Main objectives of the exhibition: demonstration of innovative industrial equipment, products and technologies of domestic and foreign companies for their promotion in regional and international markets; strengthening business contacts and exchange of experience. The state institution "Republican center for Hydrometeorology, radioactive pollution control and environmental monitoring" was presented at the exhibition together with other organizations subordinated to the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection. The exposition of the Ministry of natural resources was presented in a new format – instead of traditional posters, a video about the main activities of the Ministry of natural resources and its subordinate organizations was prepared for the exhibition.    In addition, everyone, visiting the exhibition stand of the Ministry of natural resources, was able to see the weather forecast for the next 6 days.  The official closing took place on Friday 1 June at 13.00.
X meeting of the Joint Belarusian-Russian Commission on the Protection and Rational Use of Transboundary Water Bodies
On May 23-24, 2018, in the city of Gomel, the 10th meeting of the Joint Belarusian-Russian Commission for the Protection and Rational Use of Transboundary Water Objects was held. During the meeting the following issues were considered: 1. The quality of water and the state of water ecosystems of transboundary water bodies of the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins. 2. On the water management situation in the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins. 3. Results of interlaboratory diagnostic analyzes and practical seminars of specialists of laboratory services of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins. 4. On transboundary monitoring of groundwater in the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins. 5. On the progress of work on improving the mechanisms for cooperation between the joint management of the Dnipro Basin. 6. About plans of work of working groups of the Commission for 2018. 7. On the agenda, time and venue of the XI meeting of the Commission. The head of the Radiation Ecological Monitoring Service Elena Bogodyazh  took part in the meeting. with a report on "The quality of water and the state of water ecosystems of transboundary water bodies of the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in 2017", during which multi-year trends in the status of transboundary watercourses were noted. In working discussions the Russian side was interested in the approach used in the republic to assess the hydrobiological and hydrochemical status of surface water bodies. Following the meeting of the Commission, a protocol was signed.
May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity
 Based on the materials of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. In order to attract people's attention to the problem of the irretrievable disappearance of many species of wild animals and wild plants on the Earth, the United Nations proclaimed May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity. In 2018, the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity will be the celebration of the 25th anniversary of activities in the field of biodiversity. The choice of this topic was due to the need to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity and to emphasize progress in achieving its goals at the national and global levels in a quarter of a century. Conservation of biodiversity is a common concern of humanity. The Convention on Biological Diversity considers biodiversity at all levels - at the ecosystem level, at the species level and at the level of genetic resources. It also covers the field of biotechnology, including through the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In fact, it covers all possible areas directly or indirectly related to biodiversity and its role in development, ranging from science, politics and education to agriculture, commerce and culture. The issues of conservation of biological diversity in the Republic of Belarus and ensuring its sustainable use are among the priority directions of state policy in the environmental sphere. The celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity is timed for the holding of a seminar "25 years of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Protocols to the Convention as instruments for the realization of its goals ", which will take place within the framework of the UNDP-GEF global project "Strengthening Human Resources, Legal Systems and Institutional Capacity for Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus" of March 30, 2018 No. 2/18/000874 participation of representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the UNDP Country Office in the Republic of Belarus from 22 to 23 May 2018. Each of us can contribute to the conservation of biological diversity, both at the national level and globally - by taking care of nature!
67th meeting of the joint board of the Committee of the Union State on hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring
  The 67th meeting of the joint board of the Committee of the Union State on hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring was held in Minsk in the building of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) from May 17 to May 18. The meeting was chaired by Maksim Yakovenko, the head of Roshydromet, and Roman Labaznov, the head of the Belhydromet of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Chairman of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on environmental issues, nature management and liquidation of the consequences of accidents Galina Filippovich, Deputy Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee Agybay Smagulov, First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Iya Malkina were participated in the event, as well as the Adviser of the Social Policy Department of the Department of Social Policy and Information Support of the Standing Committee and the Union State Irina Lukyanova, consultant of the representation of the Standing Committee of the Union State in Minsk Natalia Kononova and others.     In welcome speech to the participants of the meeting, First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Iya Malkina stressed: "The joint board of the Committee of the Union State for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring was a unique platform for interaction between the two services for a long time that influence on the development of hydrometeorological activities in Belarus and Russia". "The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus highly appreciates the development of bilateral cooperation between the hydrometeorological services of Belarus and Russia, and joint activities within the framework of the Committee of the Union State on hydrometeorology and of environmental monitoring is inherently unique and can serve as an example for the national hydrometeorological services of other countries "- noted Ms. Malkina. During the two days of the work the boards’ members of the Committee discussed the status of the implementation of the Union State program "Development of the Hydrometeorological Safety System of the Union State for 2017-2021" in 2017, as well as educational project of the Union State in the field of hydrometeorology, experience in meteorological services in Russia and Belarus of major international sporting events, organization of interaction with the owners of "non-state" observation networks, as well as a number of other issues stipulated by the agenda of the meeting.
20th of May - The World Metrology Day
Measures and weights played an important role in human life from the very beginning of human civilization. Measurements are important for a variety of tasks: building houses, commerce, sewing clothes. In all these cases, some information about the size is required. The need for measurements has led to the emergence of a vast array of different systems of measures and weights - from the simplest to the most complex. Here are what units of physical quantities measurements were on the territory of the Slavic states in the 18th century: 1 verst - 1067 m; 1 sazhen - 2 m 13 cm; 1 verst - 4,44 cm; 1 pood -16.38 kg; 1 pound - 0.409 kg; 1 barrel - 40 buckets; 1 bucket - 12,299 liters; 1 shtof - 1,23 l; 1 cup - 0,123 liters. In order that units of measurements were universal in all countries, May 20, 1875, the Metric Convention was signed. To mark the same World Metrology Day was decided by the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) in October 1999. The Metric Convention is an agreement for international cooperation in the field of metrology - the science of measurements, and its application in industry, commercial and social spheres. The original goal of the Metric Convention - ensuring the unity of metrological standards in different countries - remains as important and relevant as it was in 1875. Every year, in celebration of World Metrology Day, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International Organization of Legal Metrology implement projects on various pressing topics. The theme of the World Metrology Day of 2018 is the constant evolution of the International System of Units. This topic was chosen because in November 2018 the General Conference on Weights and Measures plans to approve one of the biggest changes in the International System of Units since its inception. The proposed changes are based on the results of studies of new measurement methods that use quantum phenomena as a basis for fundamental standards. The international system of units will be based on definitions of units, each of which is related to the laws of physics, which has the advantages of further improving measurements in science and technology to meet the needs of users for many years to come. Metrology, as a science of measurement, plays a central role in scientific discoveries and innovations, industrial production and international trade, in improving the quality of life and in protecting the environment. Units of physical quantities admitted for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are fixed in Technical Regulations TR 2007/003/by. In Belarus, the World Metrology Day is celebrated annually, beginning in 2004. This holiday is a recognition of the results of professional activities of metrologists. Today the measuring instrumentation service of Belhydromet is a team of highly qualified metrological engineers providing a uniform state policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in order to protect human interests in the field of hydrometeorological activities. The service of measuring instruments of Belhydromet closely cooperates with state metrological organizations to ensure timely metrological control of the measuring instruments and test equipment used. Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish to follow your goals, without deviating one millimeter from our dream! Let in your life there will always be something that does not lend itself to any dimensions, what is unlimited and comprehensive: happiness, love, friendship, inspiration! Further success in work!
The world celebrates International Climate Day on May, 15
The climate is the basis for the vitality of the planet, an important natural resource that has a huge impact on the well-being of mankind. From the actions and efforts of each of us, the salvation of the whole Earth and the future of generations depend precisely now. The climate has had and has a significant impact on human activities throughout the history of civilization. The science of climatology, which is one of the oldest sciences, originated on the basis of the practical demands of human society and has always contributed to its development. The word "climate" comes from the Greek "klimatos", which literally translates as "slope". This term was first introduced 2200 years ago by the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus. The scientist had in mind the inclination of the earth's surface to the sun's rays, whose difference from the equator to the pole was already considered the cause of the differences in the weather conditions of different latitudes. Currently, the climate is called the long-term regime of atmospheric (weather) conditions, typical for this place of the Earth due to its geographical location. But, if weather conditions undergo changes from year to year, then the climate is stable. It varies only slightly from one long period of time to another, and such changes have the character of oscillations. One of the main characteristics used in describing the climate is a quantity called the climatic norm. The climatic norm is the calculated long-term average value of any meteorological element; for example, the average monthly (annual) amount of precipitation, calculated from materials for a long-term observation period or the average daily (monthly, annual) temperature, also for long-term observations. Also, this may be extreme (extreme) values of meteorological elements observed over a long period; average or deadlines for the onset of certain phenomena; the recurrence of certain atmospheric phenomena or the values of meteorological elements over a long period. Generalized materials are placed in climate guides, the materials of which are extremely important for a correct assessment of climatic resources in various sectors of the economy. From the history of the holiday: The establishment of this ecological holiday was a response to the call of meteorologists to protect the climate as an important resource that affects the well-being of present and future generations. Preservation of the climate is one of the global problems that face humanity today. Global warming, increased ozone in the atmospheric layer, natural disasters, changing weather conditions on the planet - all this leads to a deterioration of the Earth's climate and, as a result, has a negative impact on the food, life and property security of people, deplorable in the state of natural resources and balanced development of states. Modern science can not answer the question of how quickly a catastrophic climate change will occur in the event of a further rise in temperature on Earth. However, according to ecologists and meteorologists, it is quite possible to delay these changes to mankind. Among the main problems that lead to irreversible climate change on the planet is the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. For the first time this phenomenon was discussed at the world level in 1992 - at the so-called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Representatives of more than 180 countries signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This agreement defined the general principles of state action aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that does not threaten the Earth's climate system with a global anthropogenic impact. At the end of 1997, at the third UNFCCC conference in Kyoto, Japan, in addition to the Convention, the famous Kyoto Protocol was adopted, an international instrument requiring developed countries and countries with economies in transition to reduce or stabilize greenhouse gas emissions in 2008-2012 by compared with 1990. Ten years later, in December 2007, another UN conference on climate change was held in Bali, Indonesia. Its participants - representatives of more than 190 states - signed an international agreement calling on world leaders to take the necessary measures so that the commercial and industrial sector could reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Along with other developed countries, Belarus also makes a significant contribution to the implementation of such decisions. Celebrating this day is necessary in order to spread among more people the seriousness of the problems of irreversible atmospheric processes. The main goal is to focus on finding solutions and taking the necessary measures to mitigate climate change from human interventions. Climatic characteristics of the Republic of Belarus: The territory of Belarus is located in the temperate zone. The climate in Belarus is formed under the influence of Atlantic air, gradually transforming into a continental one and is transitional from marine to continental or moderately continental. The main climate-forming factor is the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. The air masses coming from the west bring cloudy and rainy weather in the summer, and in winter significant warmings and thaws. With the progress to the east, the influence of the ocean is gradually weakening and the continentality of the climate is intensifying. The thermal regime in Belarus is characterized by a positive average annual air temperature, which gradually increases in the south and south-west direction. In the north-east of the Vitebsk region, it is +5.7°C, in the extreme south-west of the Brest region – exceeds +8°C. On average, the temperature of the warmest summer month (July) in the republic is +18.4°С, the coldest winter (January) -4.5°С. For the long-term observation period, the highest air temperature in Belarus was +34 +38°С. Annually in the country it is observed 2-4 days (in the south, up to 6 days), when the temperature rises to +30°C and above, and about 1 to 3 times in 10 years (in the southern half of the republic), the temperature is +35°C and higher. The lowest temperature in the country is -34 -42°С. In the northeast, about 1 time in 25 years, it decreases to -40°C and lower, temperatures below -30°C in the northern half of the republic are observed almost every year. Belarus refers to areas of sufficient moisture. The annual amount of precipitation depends on the terrain and is mainly 600-650 mm on the lowlands of the republic and 650-700 mm - on plains and hills. On average, the total amount of precipitation is close to normal, but in certain years on the territory of the country there are both arid phenomena and excessive moisture. The largest annual amounts of precipitation, recorded for the entire period of meteorological observations, are in the range 850-1000 mm. The minimum annual precipitation is 350-450 mm. In the warm period of the year - from April to October - precipitation falls mainly in the form of rain and is 400-500 mm or 70% of the annual amount of precipitation. The total number of days with precipitation (0.1 mm and more) varies from 145 days in the southeast to 195 days on the western hills. The total duration of precipitation is 1000-1500 hours per year. Winter precipitation, precipitating in a solid form, leads to the formation of a snow cover. The number of days with snow cover in Belarus varies from 75 in the extreme south-west to 125 in the north-east. Relative air humidity in Belarus is high. At night it increases, in the daytime it decreases. In winter and late autumn, the humidity of the air, both at night and during the day, as a rule, exceeds 80%. In the spring-summer period, in the bright part of the day, it decreases, and at 15 hours is, in the main, 50-70%. When the relative humidity of the air drops to 30% and lower, it is said about the air drought. The average number of days with such humidity is small: from 5-10 in the north of the country and on the elevations to 15-20 days in the southeast. High humidity, especially in the cold season, causes frequent fog formation. The average number of days with fogs varies over the country from 35 to 100 per year, increasing with the altitude of the terrain above sea level. The total duration of fogs varies within very wide limits: an average of 200-800 hours with fogs per year. The wind regime of Belarus is conditioned by the general circulation of the atmosphere. In winter, winds predominate south-west, in summer - north-west. The average annual wind speed in the country is about 4 m/s. In a separate point, the wind is increasing every year to 10-15 m s, every 5 years - up to 15-20 m/s. Cloudy weather prevails in Belarus. The number of cloudy days ranges from 175 in the northwest to 125 in the southeast; the number of clear days, in general, is 20-30 per year. The maximum of clear days in most areas of the country falls on March-April, in the southeast of Belarus - in July-September. The duration of sunshine is 1750-1900 hours per year, increasing in the southeast direction. The minimum duration of sunshine is observed in the autumn-winter period, when up to 20 days in a month there are no sun, and on other days the duration of sunshine is an average of about 3 hours. In May and July without sun there are only 1-3 days, on individual days the duration of its radiance increases to 16 hours. The preservation of the Earth's climate depends on every inhabitant of the planet. To make a contribution is not so difficult. For this you can, for example, use a car less often, use energy-saving lighting sources in your apartment, participate in planting trees and protect green spaces. It would seem, little things ... But these "trivia" multiplied by the population of the planet, acquire great importance.
From May 7 to 9, 2018 in Geneva (Switzerland), a global conference "Prosperity through hydrological services" (HydroConference) was held.
From 7 to 9 May 2018 in Geneva (Switzerland) the global conference "Prosperity through hydrological services" (HydroConference) is held. It aims to promote cooperation in improving the availability of hydrological information around the world by: promoting cooperation for new and existing initiatives, including the organization of data exchange; using the knowledge and experience of all stakeholders in the field of water resources to coordinate efforts to achieve greater impact; mobilizing public and private sector leaders to support key initiatives. One of the main objectives of the conference is to create more effective interaction between hydrological information providers and users who need such information. "By 2050, it is estimated that at least one in four people is likely to live in a country that has suffered from a chronic or recurring deficit of fresh water. The flood damage is about 120 billion dollars a year, and droughts can slow economic growth. Therefore, the first priority is to improve sustainable water management," said Harry Lins, Chairman of the Commission for Hydrology of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). At the conference Belhydromet is represented by Deputy Chief Kuzmich Svetlana, Head of the Hydrology and Agrometeorology Service Zhuravovich Lyudmila and Head of the Information and Polygraphy Department Korzun Eugene.

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