Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Hydrometeorological and agrometeorological information of 24 August, 2018
In the coming weekends, weather conditions in Belarus will be determined by the influence of slow-moving atmospheric front on the west side, influence of the area of high atmospheric pressure and warm air masses still remain on the east side. Changing weather patterns is expected. Short-term rains of varied intensity, in some areas with thunderstorms are forecast in the western and central parts of the country. There will be heavy rains in certain places. Significant temperature contrast is expected between north-west and south-east of the country. At the beginning of next week (Monday, August 27), influence of front separation will be expanded throughout the country. Short-term rains are forecast in most of the country, in some areas with thunderstorms. Precipitations are forecast in general in the eastern part of Belarus, expansion of cooler air masses from north-west Europe are expected following front separation in future, temperature will fall significantly. As at 24 August, according to data of state network of hydrometeorological observations, a decrease of water levels with the intensity 1-14 cm per day prevails on the rivers of Belarus.  Unfavourable conditions for river transport are registered on the Zapadnaya Dvina near Vitebsk, on the Neman near Grodno, on the Dnieper near Mogilev, Zhlobin, Rechitsa and Loev , on the Berezina near Bobruysk and Svetlogorsk, on the Sozh near Krichev and Slavgorod, water levels here are below the marks that limit shipping. In the coming days, fluctuations of water levels with a tendency towards decreasing will be observed on the rivers, water level will fall below dangerous mark for shipping on the Sozh near Gomel. Because of continued deficit of precipitations in most of the country, 10 cm topsoil is still is poor moistened state, it is completely dry in some areas of Brest region, in the west of Vitebsk region and in the east of Mogilev region. Difficult agrometeorological conditions for soil treatment, sowing and cruciferous plants seedling emergence remain on areas with insufficient moistening. Good moistening of soil at depth of 10 cm is registered in many areas of Gomel region, in south-east and north-west parts of Minsk region, in the remaining regions – only in certain areas. Conditions for formation of late agricultural crops harvest are satisfactory. Growth of root crops and late vegetables, grass regrowing in some areas, especially in Brest region, proceed with insufficient soil moisture. In this, conditions for sugar accumulation in root crops are better than last year for this period. In the coming days, expected rains will fulfil moisture content in soil benefiting agrometeorological situation for autumn sowing and formation of late crops harvest. 
The workshop with the representatives of LLC “CCTR “Eleron” was held in Belhydromet
The workshop with the representatives of Limited Liability Company “Center for Scientific and Technical Research “Eleron” was held in Belhydromet on August 30, 2018. The LLC “CCTR “Eleron” was represented by the Director general Pavel Statsenko and Deputy director Sergey Rossinsky and engineer Sergey Lopaev. Belhydromet was represented by the chief engineer Ivan Kondratovich, the head of the measurement equipment service Oleg Solonikov, the head of the software service Marina Podgaiskaya and others. The LLC “CCTR “Eleron” develops systems and devices for digital processing of signals and information. One of the company’s developments is the hardware-software complex of interpulse, interperiod, inter-survey processing of secondary signals for radar. The newest algorithms for signals generation and processing are implemented in the developed equipment, due to which the radar immunity, quality and reliability of the information have been improved, the volume of hardware costs has decreased significantly, the ease of operation and the stability of the transmitting device have increased. The presentation of the acoustic Doppler profilometer “ARGO-600” was held during the workshop. Participants of the workshop visited Korolischevichi hydrological station where the acoustic Doppler profilometer “ARGO-600” was tested in the field on August 31, 2018. During the tests, the water flow was  measured, and after all the measurement results were processed by the software product. 
Hydrometeorological and agrometeorological information of 17 August, 2018
In the coming weekends, weather conditions will be determined by influence of warm, moist unstable air masses from the Ukraine. Erratic weather conditions with intermittent thundery rains are expected, however rains will be spread unevenly throughout the country and with varied intensity. Temperature will rest elevated. At the beginning of the week (Monday-Tuesday, 20-21 Fugust) weather patterns will not change significantly. Precipitations with increase of atmospheric pressure will stop by the end of the working week, temperature will be substantially different between south and north parts of the country. At the beginning of third decade of August decrease of water levels will be registered on most of the rivers in Belarus. As at 17 August, according to data of state network of hydrometeorological observations, there is balanced running of water levels and its small decrease with the intensity 1-12 cm per day on the rivers of the Republic. Unfavourable conditions for river transport are observed on the Zapadnaya Dvina near Vitebsk, on the Neman near Grodno, on the Dnieper near Mogilev, Zhlobin and Rechitsa, on the Berezina near Bobruysk, on the Sozh near Krichev and Slavgorod, water levels here are below the marks that limit shipping. Water levels are close to marks that limit shipping on the Berezina near Svetlogorsk, on the Dnieper near Loev and on the Sozh near Gomel.  Predominance of elevated temperature regime coupled with deficit pf precipitations caused loss of moisture especially from topsoil. 10 cm soil layer is in a weakly-moist state in most of the country. Topsoil is dry in some areas of Gomel and Mogilev regions, in the north of Brest region and in the west of Vitebsk region. It makes difficult soil treatment for winter crops and winter rape sowing. Past rains of mid-August refilled moist content in soil mainly in north-western half of the country. Intermittent rains did not influence significantly completion of spiked cereals harvesting, working time of combines could be reduced in Vitebsk region only. Because of reduction of moist content in soil, decline in root crops growth was registered. In this, weather conditions contribute to increase of root crops sugariness. Maize ripening is registered 1,5-2 weeks in advance in southern and western parts of the Republic. It is optimum time for harvest of maize for silage. In the coming days, expected intermittent rains refill moisture content in soil but not everywhere. Moisture deficit remains in some areas and still makes it difficult to sowing and emerging of winter rape, late agricultural crops harvesting.
Workshop on the Implementation of the International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS) was organized by IAEA during the period from 16 to 19 July, 2018
Workshop on the Implementation of the International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS) was organized by IAEA during the period from 16 to 19 July, 2018. Maria Kadatskaya, chief of department for ecological information providing, took part in this event. The purpose of the event is to improve awareness and understanding of IRMIS among the points of contact and designated Data Providers for IRMIS, in particular by enhancing their knowledge of the implementation arrangements established for sharing large amounts of routine and emergency radiation monitoring data. In addition, the event will provide an opportunity to present the features and functionalities of IRMIS and share the experiences of Member States that use IRMIS as part of their emergency preparedness and response operations. Main purpose of this workshop is to gain knowledge about technical and administrative mechanisms and instruments provided by IRMIS to benefit from implementation of the data sharing platform for their national system of radiation monitoring. Participants were provided with guide for the IRMIS implementation on corresponding platforms of information technologies of country including joint use of large number of routine and emergency radiation monitoring data. Participants gained an understanding of technical requirements for radiation monitoring system of member states in collection, storage and communication of data to IRMIS using safe transmission processing protocol. Through theirs participation, participants learned about: IRMIS using for exchange of large amount of routine and emergency radiation monitoring data; Requirements for equipment and software which should be provided by IRMIS data providers for collection of radiation monitoring data; Practical applications for IRMIS and technical duties arising from country participation; Routine monitoring data preparation in accordance with format 1.0 of IRIX for reporting to IRMIS as well as General applicability if IRMIS in routine and emergency regimes including all its functions and embedded instruments.
Hydrometeorological and agrometeorological information of 3 August, 2018
In the coming weekends, weather conditions will be determined by influence of atmospheric fronts and moist air masses from the Baltic. Hot weather is expected, intermittent rains with thunderstorms will be registered locally in the country. At the beginning of the week (Monday-Tuesday, 6-7 August) northern part of Belarus will be influenced by moist air masses from the Baltic where intermittent rains with thunderstorms will be in several places. Precipitations are unlikely in an increased pressure area in southern Belarus. Because of the flow of cooler air from Scandinavia, temperature will decrease especially in northern parts of the country. In the middle of the week, anticyclone from Western Europe will extend its influence to Belarus. It will bring dry and hot weather. In the first decade of August, water level decrease will be observed on the rivers of the country. As at 3, August, according to data of state hydrometeorological observation network, water levels exceed the marks of water discharge on the flood land on the Sozh near Slavgorod of Slavgorod district in Mogilev region and its river Besed near Svetilovichi village of Vetkovskiy district in Gomel region. Unfavourable conditions for river transport are observed on the Zapadnaya Dvina near Vitebsk, on the Neman near Grodno and on the Dnieper near Mogilev. Water level is below marks that limit shipping here. At the end of July – at the beginning of August as quantity of rains decreases and air temperature increases, agrometeorological conditions for after-rippening of grain crops and grain drying have improved. The farmers of the Republic increased harvest speed, Vitebsk and Mogilev regions have started mass harvest. According to recent data, moisture of harvesting grain decreased, amount of grain with conditioned moisture (12-14%) flowing to elevator increased. However, grain moisture is excessive (15-19%) in most of the observed fields, according to meteorological stations data – 21-29%. Favourable conditions for harvesting of maize, root crops, vegetables demanding of heat and cultivated in open ground, for aftergrowing of herbs are forming. Because of hot weather at the beginning of August, conditions for growing of potato tubers deteriorated. According to recent data, average temperature of soil at depth of 10 cm is +23 +28С in most of the country which is much higher than optimal (optimal temperature for growing of potato tubers is +16 +19С) Because of abundant rains in July, overmoisture of soil remains in some areas. Preconditions for appearance of disease excitants are set in the areas with excessive soil moistening, more intensive growth of weeds is observed. Frequent rains in July provoked formation and development of late blight on potato and tomato plantings. In the coming days, expected intermittent rains should not influence harvesting. At the middle of next week, dry weather will let the farmers maintain high speed of harvesting.
Meeting with the World Bank Experts was held in Belhydromet on 11 July, 2018
Meeting on approving and implementing World Bank technical assistance project «Preparedness of the Republic of Belarus to calamities and disasters» (hereafter – Project) with the World Bank Experts was held in Belhydromet on 11 July, 2018. The main aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Republic of Belarus to preparedness measures to calamities and disasters for improvement of weather forecasting, impact of risks, availability and dissemination of data and national disaster-reduction strategy. Expected grant assistance is about 500 thousand dollars. Project partners are Ministry for Emergency Situations of Belarus, Ministry of Forestry of Belarus and Belhydromet. Conceptualization of the Project is expected to be completed by fourth quarter of 2018, finalization and approval of the Project are scheduled for 2019. Lead time for the Project implementation – 2 years. Project has three components: 1.   Support a wide process of the political dialogue on disaster risk management in the Republic of Belarus. 2.   Improvement of the risk assessment and integrated information system of numerous risk factors registration. 3.   Improvement of hydrometeorological hazards and forest fires forecasting and provision of services. During the meeting, World Bank Experts informed the Belarusian side about their readiness to finance the purchase of mathematical model intended for flood forecasting for Belhydromet under the named Project. Also Belhydromet will receive financial support for the purchase of software system for the prediction of adverse and dangerous meteorological events used in European adverse and dangerous hazards warning system MeteoAlarm. The Project envisages funding of activities to improve the effectiveness of forest fires forecasting. Under the Project, World Bank experts will issue recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of cooperation of disaster risk management participants with the aim of improving the quality and prediction lead time of disasters of natural origin and minimizing their impact. During the meeting, Belhydromet expressed interest in the independent reviews of the Belhydromet effectiveness by World Bank experts and drafting proposals to improve its work including the recommendations to strengthen staff capacity, implement the activities for technology improvements, ameliorate legislative and methodical base. World Bank experts informed about such experience. Example of the World Bank’s experience in Armenia was mentioned where work on audit has been finished. The meeting was attended: by the World Bank - Operations Officer Faridun Sanginov, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Daniel Kull, Environmental Specialist Vladislava Nemova, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Alanna Simpson; by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection – chief of department on regulation of effects on the atmosphere, climate changes and expertise Sergey Zavyalov; by Ministry for Emergency Situations of Belarus – chief of international projects sector of international cooperation department Svetlana Shotskaya; by Belhydromet – head of Belhydromet Roman Labaznov, deputy head Svetlana Kuzmich, chief engineer Ivan Kondratovich, chief of hydrology and agrometeorology service Lyudmila Zhuravovich, chief of weather forecasting service Alexandr Beganskiy and some others.
8 July 2018 marks 140 anniversary since the agrometeorological station Vasilevichi was founded
Meteorological observations in Vasilevichi were started through the activities of West swamp drainage expedition led by lieutenant general Josef Ippolitovich Zhilinskiy in the late 19th century (1878). Station was founded by national of Kingdom of Denmark Magnus-Johann Gedeman who had come in Russia and had joined the swamp drainage expedition under control of its Chief lieutenant general Zhilinskiy in 1878. Primarily station settled down in the priest garden in the center of Vasilevichi village. Surrounding area was swampy plain in the territory of Pridneprovsk lowland. Gedeman started experiments in turning innings in the territory of Vasilevichi forestry into fertile land by the use of lime and ash. In course of time quite large amount of land was ready for economic use. Thereafter this land gave wonderful harvest.   In 1878 meteorological station had following instruments: barometer aneroid established in the observer house, thermometer shelter with zinc cage where Geissler psychrometer and hair hygrometer were placed. Wild's anemometer was installed at a height of 6, 2 m near the shelter. There were 3 rain gauges on the site. In addition, there were 4 evaporimeters – 2 on sandy soil and 2 on the peat moor. Observational data was used by professor Voyeykov in the article «Climate of Polesye» published in the collection «Work studies on West swamp drainage expedition» which was released in 1899. Professor recommended M. Gedeman for a decoration. Imperator bestowed the Order of Saint Anna (third class) upon him in April 1913. Despite the wars, political cataclysms and other problems, observations continued almost without interruption at the station. At the present time 7 people work at the station. They provide full range of meteorological, actinometrical, agrometeorological and hydrological observations. The station is benchmark and is only one in the Republic of Belarus referring to ground net of Global Climate Observing System. It was added to the bulletin of American Meteorological Society in October, 1997. All received data are transmitted by the station for compilation to Branch office «Gomeloblhydromet» of state institution «Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and environmental monitoring». In recognition of its contribution to high-quality observations for ground net agrometeorological station Vasilevichi was presented with certificate of the Global Climate Observing System Secretariat (Geneva, Switzerland) in 2005, in 2012 and 2014 it was awarded with diploma for first place, in 2013 – for second place and in 2015 for third place in the Republic-wide competition as the best agrometeorological division.
Seminar «Environmental classification of surface water bodies in pilot areas EUWI+ of Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova» was held in Kiev (Ukraine) on 19 and 20 June, 2018
Seminar «Environmental classification of surface water bodies in pilot areas EUWI+ of Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova» was held in Kiev (Ukraine) on 19 and 20 June, 2018.  The main objective of the seminar was providing support in using methodology of Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the field of environmental classification of surface water bodies. During the seminar experience of Austria and other EU countries concerning the conduct of environmental classification of surface water bodies was examined as well as connections between hydrobiological and hydromorphological classifications and some other aspects of Water Framework Directive. Different phases of environmental classification (typing, identification and stress determination, framework and requirements for field and laboratory works, requirements for calculation of biometrics and biotic indexes), methodological aspects and accesses to each phase of the classification were discussed during this seminar. Questions on completeness of observation data and its accessibility, sampling strategies, requirements and indexes used to assessment of the hydrobiological, chemical and hydromorphological state of water bodies were raised. Innovative approaches in using of laboratory equipment for collection and analysis of hydrological samples were presented at this seminar. Participants had the opportunity to become acquainted with the methodological approaches of environmental classification of water bodies used in Ukraine and Moldova. Particular attention was paid to the role of hydromorphology in the process of WFD and its connection with hydrobiology, methodological aspects of hydromorphological observations. Hands-on exercises were provided on analysis of the hydromorphological status of rivers. Characteristics of realization of the WFD principles and methods in participating countries were also discussed at the seminar. 

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