Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Representatives of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – the State Research Institute of the Republic of Poland visited Belhydromet on September 24-27, 2018
On September 24-27, 2018, representatives of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – the State Research Institute of the Republic of Poland visited Belhydromet within the frameworks of the 1st meeting of the Belarusian-Polish expert working groups in the field of meteorology, hydrology and aviation meteorology. Polish representatives were familiarized with the activities of the Brest branch of Belhydromet and visited the hydrological station on the Mukhavets river. During the visit to Belgidromet methods for assessing the quality of weather forecasts and warnings of adverse and dangerous phenomenon, as well as criteria for evaluating forecasts, including the use of color codes in generating warnings, and ways of communicating information to consumers, and alerts of threats of adverse and dangerous weather phenomenon were discussed. During the visit, the Polish delegation visited the background monitoring station “Berezinsky Reserve”, where the main results of monitoring of the climate and the environment in the reserve were reviewed and assessed. The representatives of NHMS of Belarus and Poland also exchanged information on hydrological forecasting, observation and processing of regime hydrological information, presented the structure of the aeronautical and meteorological service. Issues about the practice of meteorological services for civil aviation in the Republic of Poland, as well as the experience of the participation of the Meteorological Service of Poland in the relevant departments of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the procedure for reassessing the competence of the staff of the aeronautical meteorological service and a number of other important issues were also discussed.
European Mobility Week and World Car Free Day
European Mobility Week and World Car Free Day
European Mobility Week (EMW) is held from September 16-22, 2018. The European Mobility Week is an international campaign conducted under the auspices of the European Commission in partnership with the International Union of Public Transport. The main idea of the event is to  “green” streets of city, to streamline the usage of public spaces, to focus on issues of air pollution by harmful emissions from transport. Each year, this campaign dedicates to topics related to attracting public attention to the problems of excessive motor transport and involves the holding of actions, surveys, conferences and events involving different age groups aimed at popularizing urban public transport, non-motorized vehicles, pedestrian walks, a healthy lifestyle, the preservation of the ecology of municipalities. The official motto of the international campaign this year is "Smart Mobility. Strong economy". It is expected that the participating cities will discuss the economic benefits from the transition to sustainable mobility. Such an event has been taking place in Belarus and many other countries for several past years. So, 48 cities (including the city of Minsk) joined the campaign in Belarus in 2017. Ecologists are sure that the activization of the official participation of Belarusian cities in the European Mobility Week will serve as a clear example of our country’s commitment to the principles of sustainable development, the basis of which is improving of the quality of people’s lives. Within seven days, Minsk is waiting for an extensive program of events. The final stage of the EMW is World Car Free Day, which is held all over the world on September 22. The city ecological event will be organized in Minsk. Lenin str. will traditionally become a pedestrian, there will be organized a big city fest. At a daytime there will be fairs, master classes, exhibitions, film screening and a concert, and in the evening Nezavisimosti ave. will be closed for autos, and will become a bikeway. The motto for evening bike ride is “Biker, let’s rock!”. Traffic along Lenin str. from Nezavisimosti ave. to Kirov str. will be closed from 6.00 a.m. to midnight on September 22, 2018. The fest dedicated to the World Car Free Day will begin at 2 p.m. and finish late in the evening with a bright alternative vehicles parade. The bike ride along Nezavisimosti ave. from Lenin str. to the building National Library of Belarus will become the culmination of the event. Not only bikers but also users of other ecological vehicles such as rollers, monoculars, skateboards, scooters, gyro pacemakers, segways will be invited. The ride along Nezavisimosti ave. will begin at 9 p.m. and will pass at a calm way of 15-18 km/h. To participate in the event, it is essential to equip your vehicles with luminous elements. Experts from Belhydromet traditionally take the most active part in such. Among the main activities are route surveys of the state of atmospheric air in areas with various anthropogenic loads: highways, recreational zones and recreation. Measurements of atmospheric air pollution are carried out on the eve and immediately on the World Car Free Day. The results are compared with the data obtained from a stationary monitoring network of atmospheric air, and the nature of meteorological conditions is necessarily taken into account. The administration and the Trade union committee of Belhydromet call to support of the ecological event and take part in the upcoming events! Get a charge of cheerfulness, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an ecological fest!
Hydrometeorological and agrometeorological information of 14 September, 2018
 In the coming weekends, uncertain weather with rains is expected in the Republic.  On Saturday under the influence of active atmospheric fronts, rains with various intensity are forecast mainly in the south-west at night, in most of the country in the morning and at daylight hours. Temperature will considerably decrease especially at night hours. Short-term rains are forecast mainly in eastern part of the country at night hours on Sunday. Significant precipitation is not expected in the area of increased atmospheric pressure throughout the rest of the country. At the beginning of next week (17-18 September), influence of atmospheric fronts will have an impact on the northern regions of Belarus where short-term rains are forecast. Temperature will be in general +5 +13°С, in some areas - +2 +4°С, prevailing temperature at daylight hours – +15 +21°С, in the south-west – 1-2 degrees warmer.  As at 14 September, there is an increase of water levels with the intensity 1-25 cm per day on the Zapadnaya Dvina near Polotsk-Verhnedvinsk, on the Viliya near Mikhalishki village, on the Berezina near Svetlogorsk and on some of its affluents as well as on the affluents of the Neman, the Zapadnyi Bug and the Pripyat. Decrease of water levels is observed on the rest of the rivers as well as on the Dnieper, the Sozh and the Pripyat.  Unfavourable conditions for river transport are observed on the shipping areas of the Zapadnaya Dvina, the Neman, the Dnieper, the Berezina and the Sozh. Weather conditions of last week contributed, in general, to potato harvesting, rise of flax straw, fodder, fruits and vegetables conservation. Warm weather and sufficient water availability in most of areas contributed to formation of winter vegetables harvest, second crops and winter rape development. Favourable conditions for growth and drying of maize grain. In the coming days, expected rains will complicate field works. Because of long-term precipitation deficit, mainly in southern part of the Republic, agrometeorological conditions for formation of agricultural crops harvest and winter cereal crops sowing remain difficult – topsoil is poor moistened in many areas, in some places – completely dry. Conditions for sowing and emergence of winter cereal crops seedlings are unfavourable here. In the coming days expected rains of various intensity should ameliorate water availability of agricultural crops. However, because of uneven distribution defecit of moisture content in soil can remain in certain areas.
Hydrometeorological and agrometeorological information of 7 September, 2018
 In the coming weekends warm weather, in general, without precipitation remains in the Republic. Character of the weather will start changing at the beginning of next week (10-11 September). Atmospheric fronts from Western Europe will be determined by short-term rains in certain areas of the country, there is a possibility of thunderstorms at daylight hours. Temperature will begin to decrease and will be close to its multiyear value. In the middle of the week (Wednesday) uncertain weather with short-term rains is expected, thunderstorms are possible. There is a possibility of fog night and day, Air temperature at night will range from +9 to +16°С, in most of the country – +18 +23°С at daylight hours, in southern part – 1-2°С warmer. As at 7 September, there is a decrease of water levels with the intensity 1-14 cm per day. Unfavourable conditions for river transport are observed on the shipping areas of the Zapadnaya Dvina, on the Neman, on the Dnieper, on the Berezina and on the Sozh. In the coming days a decrease of water levels is expected on the rivers of Belarus, fluctuations of water levels will be expected on the rivers next week. Agrometeorological conditions for soil treatment and autumn sowing are ambiguous. After recent rains in the western part of Vitebsk region and some areas of Grodno region, overmoistening of 10 cm topsoil is observed. In the coming days under the influence of warm weather, mainly without precipitations, topsoil of overmoistened soil will dry thereby increasing the terms of winter cereal crops sowing. Weather will be well favourable for potato, maize for silage and grain harvesting, fodder conservation and rise of flax straw. Expected short-term rains at the beginning of next week could complicate harvest works mainly in northern part of the country.  Deficit of precipitation and soil moisture is observed in the south-eastern part of Belarus, topsoil is poor moistened in many areas, at certain sites – completely dry. Conditions for winter cereal crops sowing, winter rape development are unfavourable here. Moisture deficit could remain because of uneven distribution of expected precipitations. In many areas of south-eastern part of the country.

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