Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Action "Earth Hour" will be held on March 30 from 20.30 to 21.30
  The Minsk City Committee for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection calls on all concerned to take part in global action "Earth Hour" and to turn off the light on March 30 for one hour from 20-30 to 21-30.  Earth Hour is an international action in which the World Wide Fund for Nature calls for turning off the lights and household appliances for one hour as a sign of concern for the future of the planet. At the same time, lights of the most famous buildings and monuments of the world are turned off. This year the action will be held in Belarus for the 11th time. The purpose of Earth Hour is not to save electricity. This promotion is a symbol of respect for nature. From year to year this event allows drawing attention to the need of responsible attitude to nature. Today, Earth Hour is the most massive environmental event on the planet. Last year more than 2 million people from 187 countries of the world took part in it, the lighting of more than 3,100 architectural sites was turned off. In Belarus events took place in 22 localities, the lighting of the central architectural sites was turned off. Last year illumination of National Library, National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater, Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater, Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, National State Museum of the History of Great Patriotic War, as well as more than 250 architectural highlights were turned off in Minsk.  Since this is an absolutely voluntary action, people decide for themselves how many and which devices they turn off, and the city authorities initiate switching off the illumination of city objects. For security reasons organizers of the action do not recommend to turn off street lighting, aeronautical lights and traffic lights. Turning off lights for an hour is not difficult, but even behind such a symbolic action is an opportunity to help the planet by changing its daily habits. How? For example, it is reasonable consumption of electricity and heat, water and recycling paper and other materials. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions - the main cause of current climate change, which corresponds to the provisions of Presidential Directive No. 3 of June 14, 2007 of the year. 
Festive event dedicated to the World Meteorological Day and the Day of Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Belarus was held in Belgidromet.
  Festive event took place in Belhydromet on March 22, 2019 devoted to two important dates at once - the World Meteorological Day and Day of Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Belarus.  Belhydromet team gathers every year in a cozy assembly hall for a solemn event. Like any serious event it starts with the anthem. In Belhydromet it started with hymn of the Hydrometeorological Service, whose words touches the soul: “The country can sleep in peace with people like in Hydrometeorological Service!”. And indeed, our people are wonderful! Number of warm words addressed to the team is a confirmation!    The event was opened by Oleg Klimovich, First Deputy Head of Belhydromet. He voiced the congratulation of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Pavlovich Khudyk on his professional holiday - the Day of Workers of the Meteorological Service of the Republic of Belarus. On behalf of management and personally, Oleg Leonidovich congratulated employees of Belhydromet and veterans of hydrometeorological service on their professional holiday and presented awards of Belgidromet to especially distinguished workers.  Congratulatory words were also heard from the chairman of the primary trade union organization Natalia Olekhnovich, who in turn handed the Trade Union Acknowledgments to active members of the trade union organization.  Start of concert was next. The first part of the concert program included performances of young and talented workers of Belhydromet — radio-metric engineer of radio-spectrometry department Ruslan Dubaylo and hydrologist of water regime study department Maksim Vasilko.    Then the program was joined by professionals - singer Yury Volpov, accompanied by wonderful soloist Angelica Zhemchuzhnaya. They gave the audience great popular songs.   The most enchanting was appearance at the event of a famous pop singer and composer Tariel Maysuradze. A singer invited to the event broke the squall of applause.    The whole program was dedicated to employees and veterans of hydrometeorological service, and therefore songs were mainly about the weather, spring and, of course, love! The hall was warm and friendly. As part of the festive event, supporting the annual tradition, an exhibition of creativity devoted to the theme of World Meteorological Day-2019 “Sun, Earth and Weather” was organized in the lobby at the entrance to the assembly hall. The exhibition featured works of decorative applied art and fine art made by workers and children of Belhydromet employees. This time more than 40 people took part in the exhibition. Presented works became a wonderful addition to the holiday, impressed visitors of the exhibition and left bright sunshine in everyone’s soul.  The holiday succeeded! Thanks to the administration and the trade union committee for organizing the holiday, and to everyone who took part, thanks for the excellent mood! With a professional holiday, dear colleagues!     The exhibition of children's and adult creativity, devoted to the World Meteorological Day: 
Earth Day 2019 will be celebrated on March 20
 Almost everyone knows about the existence of Earth Day. Varieties of events are held in honor of the holiday - both on a local and global scale. Slogans, speeches and lectures are organized. But at the same time, the question almost every year is on which date is Earth Day. The year 2019 was no exception.   The fact is that the holiday itself is timed to the day of the vernal equinox, and, consequently, its date may occasionally changes.  In 2019 Earth Day is celebrated on March 20th. The date of the holiday was chosen and approved by the UN in 1971not occasionally. On the day of the vernal equinox biological rhythm of the planet changes and it moves to a new stage of its development, at this moment nature is awaked and  renewed.   The holiday has peacekeeping and humanistic orientation. The purpose of the World Earth Day is to draw attention of governments and ordinary people of different professions and ages to the fact that our planet, despite its seemingly enormous size and seemingly inexhaustible resources, is actually a small and fragile creation by standards of the Universe, because its ecosystems are very vulnerable. This heavenly body can be saved only by people unit from environmental catastrophe and destruction.  According to the established tradition every year within the framework of Earth Day in the vast majority of countries it is imperative to ring the Bell of Peace, which is a symbol of peaceful life, friendship and solidarity of all nations, and a call to action in the name of preserving culture and the best achievements of mankind. And the meaning of this ceremony is that during this minute, people should think about how to preserve our beautiful planet, how to improve life on it, to feel like inhabitants and part of the Earth. The first Bell of the World was cast in 1954 in commemoration of  tragedy of Japanese cities that survived the nuclear bombing, and was installed at the UN headquarters in New York. It cast from coins collected by children of all continents, orders and medals and other honorary signs of people of many countries are also fused into it. The inscription on the Bell says: "Long live universal peace throughout the world."  Earth Day has its own flag with the image of one of the first photographs of our planet from space. This is a sign of awareness that only joint efforts can solve global environmental and social problems on Earth. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this holiday is actively supported by astronauts. After all, they were the first to tell the world how beautiful and defenseless our planet is, and how it needs the care of all of us.     

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