Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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June 22 is the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the Genocide of the Belarusian people
June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest dates in the history of Belarus: the Great Patriotic War began on this day. On this day, we remember those who, at the cost of their lives, fulfilled their duty to protect the Motherland, all those who died, tortured in nazi captivity, died in the rear from hunger and deprivation. Why do we need history lessons? Most of us were born and raised in peacetime. We live, study, work, create families, raise children, strive and reach career heights, take care of our children and parents. It is only on mournful and heart-wrenching dates that we remember that it was not always possible to look so confidently into the future, to live a calm and peaceful life. One of these dates is the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the Genocide of the Belarusian people, which is celebrated in Belarus on June 22. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany launched a war against the Soviet Union. The Nazis captured Brest and completely surrounded the fortress, but its defenders offered stubborn resistance to the invaders. Separate groups of Soviet soldiers continued to fight in the fortress until the 20th of July 1941. During the war, more than 1.3 million Belarusians and natives of Belarus fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. During the Great Patriotic War, the fascists created more than 260 death camps and places of mass extermination on the territory of Belarus. This tragic list includes Trostenets, Khatyn, the Ozarich death zone, and the Red Coast. About 1.5 million people fell victims of genocide in the camps on the territory of our country alone. More than 9 thousand settlements have been destroyed on the territory of Belarus. In this war, Belarus lost every third inhabitant - the memory of them will live forever. The Great Patriotic War was a great disaster, but also a great lesson for our people and state. The victims who fell during the war and occupation are a great unhealed wound for each of us. Thanks to these sacrifices, we all remember how important it is to preserve peace despite any political and economic differences. This memory and the date dedicated to this day teach us to find compromises and appreciate everything that is dear to us and that we can lose by losing peace. The All-Belarusian minute of silence will be held on June 22 at 12 o'clock. On the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the genocide of the Belarusian people, we will honor the memory of everyone who saved peace on our land at the cost of their lives. Belhydromet remembers those who fulfilled their duty to protect the Motherland at the cost of their lives. A  low bow to you!  
The 77th meeting of the joint board of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Contamination Monitoring took place in Grodno
The activities of hydrometeorological services in any country always arouse genuine interest from the general public and government authorities. This necessitates the constant development and improvement of cooperation in the field of hydrometeorology. On May 22, in Grodno   the 77th meeting of the joint board of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Contamination Monitoring took place. The meeting brought together representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State, the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, as well as government agencies and scientific circles of Belarus and Russia. The joint activity of Roshydromet and Belhydromet within the framework of the Union State is a reason for pride and a good example of the integration interaction of the state hydrometeorological services of the two countries. One of the "mechanisms" of cooperation between Belhydromet and Roshydromet aimed at development is the implementation of programs of the Union State in the relevant field, the results of which are of high practical importance for Belarus, primarily for weather-dependent sectors of the economy such as transport, agriculture, energy, housing and communal services, as well as for organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense. During the meeting, experts from the two countries considered topical issues of interaction between the state hydrometeorological services of Belarus and Russia, including issues of import substitution of measuring equipment used for radiation monitoring on the territory of the Union State; prospects for the development of the accounting system of observation units of the Union State; space monitoring to solve problems of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring; prospects for the creation of orbital and ground-based observation facilities of the Union State for the heliogeophysical situation and a number of other issues. The meeting was held in the spirit of friendly and constructive dialogue.  
On Victory Day Belhydromet took part in festive events
Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays in sovereign Belarus. Every Belarusian family remembers those who defended our homeland not only at the front, but also in the rear. These are people whose lives during the Great Patriotic War became an example of courage, perseverance, dedication and struggle for the prosperity of our Motherland, for the life of new generations. Thousands of Minsk residents and guests of the capital came on May 9 to recall the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who liberated their native land from the Nazi invaders and to express their great gratitude for the heroic feat of arms they performed in the name of the happiness of other people. Representatives of the leadership and professional activity of Belhydromet as part of the delegation of the Pervomaisky district of Minsk also took part in the festive events on Victory Square. The morning of May 9 began with a national laying at the obelisk monument on Victory Square as part of the patriotic campaign "Belarus Remembers". As part of the column of participants, the delegation of Belhydromet, headed by First Deputy Head Svetlana Kuzmich, went to the Victory Monument and laid flowers in memory of the fallen soldiers. Also, as part of the delegation of the Pervomaisky district of the capital, representatives of Belhydromet took part in an official wreath-laying and flower-laying event with the participation of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.  All those present at the event honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence.  Ярким запоминающимся аккордом празднования  79-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне  в Минске стал гала-концерт «В девять часов вечера после войны» в рамках телепроекта «Площадь Победы» на Октябрьской площади. А завершилось празднование праздничным салютом, красочные залпы которого раздались в 23:00 из 6 разных точек города. Мы помним подвиг, который свершили наши деды и отцы, помним, какой ценой нам досталась Победа! A striking and memorable chord of the celebration of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Minsk was the gala concert "At nine o'clock in the evening after the War" as part of the Victory Square TV project on Oktyabrskaya Square. And the celebration ended with a festive fireworks, colorful volleys of which were heard at 23:00 from 6 different points of the city. We remember the feat that our grandfathers and fathers accomplished, we remember at what price we got the Victory!
April 22 – International Mother Earth Day
In 2009, the United Nations proclaimed April 22 as International Mother Earth Day . The proclamation of this holiday is a recognition that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home and provide life for humanity. Therefore, in order to achieve a fair balance between the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote human harmony with nature and planet Earth. The main task of this holiday is to remind people of responsibility, of the global threats and challenges facing our common home, and most importantly, to call for urgent practical actions in the interests of preserving life on Earth. Every year this Day is dedicated to a specific topic. The topic of Earth Day 2024 is "Planet or Plastic". This motto calls on us to take decisive action to reduce plastic consumption and stop the most widespread pollution of our planet. Plastic is a material with unique properties, extremely convenient in many industries, from simple food packaging to the construction of spaceships. But its most important advantage is the low cost of production. In pursuit of profit, we produce more and more plastic, turning a blind eye to the harm that we cause to nature and our own health, but this cannot continue. Belarus is one of the European countries with the largest area of untouched wildlife. Changes in ecosystems, including those caused by the introduction of "plastic components" into it, entail a threat to living organisms. That is why everything possible is being done in Belarus to avoid these changes. In our country, thanks to the special attention of President Alexander Lukashenko, environmental protection and environmental safety are included in the list of priority national interests of the state. On the eve of the International Mother Earth Day and on this date various events are organized, large-scale "environmental protection actions" are held in the form of traditional spring clean-up days, when it is customary to restore order and plant trees. As in the whole world, cities and towns are being improved in our country, large-scale tree planting campaigns are being carried out, shrubs and flowers are being planted. Planting trees in public places has become a good tradition. This year, for the International Mother Earth Day, Belhydromet team also contributed to the greening of the country by taking part in the republican clean-up held throughout the country.  
On April 2, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated
The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated annually on April 2 in Belarus and Russia. On this day, both our peoples celebrate the idea of their unification. One of the first Agreements concluded after the collapse of the Soviet Union between the newly independent states was the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology, signed in Moscow in 1992. The Agreement on the Formation of the Community of Belarus and Russia, signed in 1996, set the task of creating a unified meteorological service. In order to implement the provisions of the Agreement on the Formation of the Community of Belarus and Russia to organize and ensure joint activities of the two countries in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, on December 18, 1996, the Executive Committee of the Community of Belarus and Russia approved the Regulations on the Committee of the Community of Belarus and Russia on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environmental Pollution, which was subsequently renamed the Committee of the Union State on hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution (hereinafter referred to as Soyuzkomhydromet). Soyuzkomhydromet is an organ of the Union State that organizes and coordinates activities at the interstate level in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields (meteorology, climatology, hydrology, agrometeorology, heliogeophysics), monitoring environmental pollution, as well as providing government agencies, the population, the economy and the armed forces with data and information on actual and forecasted weather conditions - climatic conditions, the state and pollution of the natural environment. In order to ensure the optimal functioning of the Soyuzkomhydromet, a joint board of ten people was established. The joint board of the Soyuzkomhydromet consists of: the chairman, the deputy chairman (heads of authorized state administration bodies of Belarus and Russia in the field of hydrometeorology or persons appointed in these bodies as managers of activities in the field of hydrometeorology), as well as four members appointed on a parity basis from Belarus and Russia. Meetings of the joint board of the Soyuzkomhydromet have been held at least twice a year since 1996. Over the 28 years of its existence, Soyuzkomhydromet has held 76 meetings. 76th meeting of the Joint Board of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Pollution Monitoring Gomel, October 11-12, 2023 Traditionally, representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the Standing Committee of the Union State, executive authorities and scientific circles of Russia and Belarus are invited to participate in the work of the joint board of the Soyuzkomhydromet. The meetings result in decisions determining the vector of further interaction and development of the state hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus for the near and medium term. Thanks to the activities of Soyuzkomhydromet, the state hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus regularly exchange advanced scientific developments in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, carry out technical modernization, as well as increase human resources and production capacities. Historically, Soyuzkomhydromet acts as a guarantor of the development and implementation of programs of the Union State in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields. Thanks to the effective work of the state hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus, four programs of the Union State in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields have been successfully developed and implemented under the auspices of the Soyuzkomhydromet. A program of joint activities between Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Union State to ensure hydrometeorological safety in conditions of climate variability and change from 2023 to 2027 is being developed. The implementation of four programs of the Union State in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields contributed to: 1. Improving methods and technologies of hydrometeorological forecasts and warnings to ensure the safety of public life and reduce damage from dangerous and adverse weather events, as a result of which global and regional hydrodynamic models of a new generation have been developed. To ensure the agricultural sector, work was carried out to adapt a number of methods to the changed climatic conditions, and an automated operational system for assessing droughts was developed. 2. The development of climate research at the regional and international levels, as a result of which technologies have been developed to assess the effects of climate change on various sectors of the economy, as well as complexes of appropriate adaptation measures. 3. Improving environmental pollution monitoring technologies to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection activities of the Union State, as a result of which methods for predicting atmospheric air and surface water pollution in radiation accidents have been updated. Under the auspices of Soyuzkomhydromet, specialists from Russia and Belarus took part in the design of the Belarusian NPP. New methods have been developed for the determination of pollutants in natural waters and sediments, as well as comprehensive assessments of the state of water bodies, the background state of the natural environment and transboundary flows of pollutants. 4. Development of environmental monitoring systems, their technical, technological and metrological support, as a result of which new technologies and equipment have been developed for obtaining, collecting, processing and distributing information about the state of the natural environment. Serial production of meteorological, actinometric sensors and instruments, automated measuring systems and automatic stations has begun. In addition, the unified information support system for the needs of the Union State for hydrometeorological data has been optimized, new methods of exchanging storm warnings between the regional centers of Russia and Belarus have been worked out, and ways to improve data exchange technology have been identified. 5. Improvement of technologies for processing regime hydrometeorological information and the formation of databases on the state of the natural environment, as a result of which software tools for primary processing, accumulation and dissemination of regime meteorological information of stations and posts, hydrological information on rivers and canals, lakes and reservoirs, software complexes have been developed and implemented. The results achieved in the implementation of previous programs have a positive effect on the preservation of a favorable environment, the adaptation of economic sectors, vital interests of individuals and society to climate change, as well as increasing their level of protection from the effects of natural hazards and are also taken into account when developing a program for the next five-year period. It is planned that the program for 2023-2027 will increase the resilience of social, economic and environmental systems to climate variability and change by developing effective and sustainable regional and national climatic, hydrometeorological, geophysical and environmental services. In 2022, a course was taken to develop a new relevant program, which is currently in a high degree of readiness. In December 2023, a Plan for joint operational and production activities of Belyhydromet and Roshydromet was signed within the framework of the Union State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Pollution Monitoring for 2024-2025. Every year, the volume of exchange of hydrometeorological and related information between Belhydromet and Roshydromet increases. Over the 28 years of its existence, Soyuzkomhydromet has established itself as a unique integration platform that has a positive effect on the activities of the state hydrometeorological services of Russia and Belarus, and its activities play a significant role in the functioning of the Union State, especially taking into account the current global climate agenda. In addition, 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Formation of the Union of Russia and Belarus. When using the information reference to Belhydromet is obligatory  
March 22 – Memorial Day of the victims of the Khatyn tragedy
Belarus is paying tribute to the memory of the residents of the village of Khatyn, which was burned by the Nazis 81 years ago, on March 22, 1943. Remembering Khatyn, Belarusians recall thousands of other Belarusian villages destroyed by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. The quiet, friendly Belarusian village of Khatyn is no longer to be found on the map of Belarus. The Nazis burned it down along with 149 residents, 75 of whom were children under the age of 16. The Nazis sentenced innocent people from the village of Khatyn to death. The fascists drove the elderly, children, women and men out of the houses in the village. The sick and infirm were pushed with butts. They herded everyone into a barn on the outskirts, where hay was once stored. March 1943 was the last day for 149 Khatyn residents. 26 houses disappeared in the flames. On the site of the forest village there were ashes and lonely chimneys sticking out. A memorial complex "Khatyn" was created on the site of the village in memory of the dead. Initially, it was assumed that a memorial to the burned Khatyn would appear at the site of the tragedy. However, the project was revised and Khatyn became a monument to all the villages of Belarus burned during the Great Patriotic War. Thematically, the Khatyn memorial consists of several parts, but it has a single compositional solution that repeats the layout of the former village. In the center of the complex there is a bronze sculpture "The Unconquered Man", whose height is more than 6 m. It is a symbol of a man who rose alive from the fire, took out the body of a dead boy and carries it through the years, pronouncing an eternal curse to fascism, a curse to any evil on earth. This is a collective image of the Belarusian peasant. His prototype was the witness of the Khatyn tragedy, Joseph Kaminsky, who miraculously survived. He, burned and wounded, got out of the burning barn and found the mutilated body of his son among the corpses of his fellow villagers. Next to the sculpture are closed granite slabs resembling the roof of a barn in which the punishers burned the inhabitants of Khatyn. On the mass grave there is a marble wreath of memory with a symbolic appeal of the dead to the living with a request to preserve peace and quiet on earth: "Kind people, remember: we loved life and our Homeland, and you, dear ones. We burned alive in the fire. Our request to all: may sorrow and sorrow turn into your courage and strength, so that you can establish peace and quiet on Earth forever. So that from now on, life does not die anywhere and never in a whirlwind of fires!" On the other side of the wreath is the answer of the living to the dead: "You are our relatives. Bowing our heads in great sorrow, we stand before you. You did not submit to the fascist murderers in the dark days of hard times. You have accepted death, but the flame of love for our Soviet Homeland will never go out. The memory of you among the people is immortal, as our Earth is eternal and the eternally bright sun above it." The tragedy of Khatyn is not an accidental episode of the war, but one of thousands of facts testifying to the purposeful policy of genocide by Nazi Germany towards the population of Belarus. The fate of Khatyn during the Great Patriotic War was shared by thousands of villages of our country. According to recent studies, at least 216 cities and regional centers and more than 9 thousand villages were destroyed and burned by the Nazi invaders in Belarus. Some settlements have not been restored. We remember!   
Slavyansky bazaar in Vitebsk
The XXXIII International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk" will be held from July 11 to 14, 2024! Separate events are held on July 9, 10 and 15. You can already purchase tickets for the closed program of projects in the Summer Amphitheater. Also, a special offer is valid until March 19: when buying three tickets at the ticket offices of the VITEBSK Cultural Center, you will receive a discount on every third ticket in the amount of 33% of the lowest ticket price. Other good news: the above action will not be the only one, because the XXXIII festival is ready to surprise. 33 days of promotions are waiting for you! Follow the news on the website and in the official communities of the forum. Also this year, the festival Directorate, together with the Vitebsk Tram and Trolleybus Department, prepared a surprise for the townspeople. From February 16, the festival tram will start moving along the city routes. Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Elena Spiridovich will help you not to miss your stop. Especially for the tram branded with festival symbols, the permanent presenter of the arts forum announced the names of stops so that every trip on public transport would be a reminder of the warm July festival for you. Tickets are available for sale on the websites , , and at the ticket offices of the city. See you in July 2024 in festival Vitebsk! Slavyansky Bazar is a unique large-scale cultural forum, a "festival of festivals", which has become a truly cultural brand of Belarus. Its motto remains unchanged — "Through art — to peace and mutual understanding."  
II International Exhibition of the Security Industry "National Security. Belarus-2024"
In the period from June 19 to 21, 2024, Minsk   the II International Exhibition of the Security Industry "National Security. Belarus-2024" will take place . The event will be held at the Minsk Arena sports and entertainment complex. The large-scale exposition will present the latest developments in the main thematic areas: special technical means of law enforcement agencies and special services; technologies of information and digital security of the state; a system of anti-terrorist protection of objects vulnerable to terrorism; technical means of border protection; technical means and systems for preventing accidents, catastrophes and eliminating their consequences; special fire safety means; equipment and components used in disaster medicine; means of ensuring industrial and environmental safety; systems and complexes for monitoring public safety, ensuring the prevention of offenses and protection of citizens; biological safety. The program of events in the formats of conferences, seminars and business negotiations provides for the exchange of information on industrial and technological achievements in the field of special equipment, special equipment and weapons, discussion of topical issues of ensuring national, including information security, effective international cooperation between law enforcement agencies. The exhibition is organized by the State Secretariat of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus and RUE National Exhibition Center BelExpo.  
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