X meeting of the Joint Belarusian-Russian Commission on the Protection and Rational Use of Transboundary Water Bodies
On May 23-24, 2018, in the city of Gomel, the 10th meeting of the Joint Belarusian-Russian Commission for the Protection and Rational Use of Transboundary Water Objects was held.

During the meeting the following issues were considered:
1. The quality of water and the state of water ecosystems of transboundary water bodies of the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins.
2. On the water management situation in the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins.
3. Results of interlaboratory diagnostic analyzes and practical seminars of specialists of laboratory services of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins.
4. On transboundary monitoring of groundwater in the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins.
5. On the progress of work on improving the mechanisms for cooperation between the joint management of the Dnipro Basin.
6. About plans of work of working groups of the Commission for 2018.
7. On the agenda, time and venue of the XI meeting of the Commission.
The head of the Radiation Ecological Monitoring Service Elena Bogodyazh took part in the meeting. with a report on "The quality of water and the state of water ecosystems of transboundary water bodies of the Dnipro and Western Dvina river basins on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in 2017", during which multi-year trends in the status of transboundary watercourses were noted.
In working discussions the Russian side was interested in the approach used in the republic to assess the hydrobiological and hydrochemical status of surface water bodies. Following the meeting of the Commission, a protocol was signed.