World Soil Day: the importance of monitoring and management

On December 5, World Soil Day is celebrated — this event is intended to draw attention to the importance of preserving soil resources. In 2024, the theme of the Day is "Soil data: measurement, monitoring and management".
Soil is one of the most important natural resources that provides life on Earth. It is the basis for agriculture, food production and other sectors of the economy. However, in recent decades, soil conditions have deteriorated due to various factors such as pollution, erosion, salinization and others.
What is soil monitoring? Soil monitoring is a system for observing, evaluating and predicting changes in soil conditions under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil monitoring data is used to make decisions in the field of environmental protection, agriculture, construction and other fields of activity. It is also the basis for the development of government programs and projects for the conservation and improvement of soil resources. World Soil Day reminds us of the importance of preserving this valuable natural resource. Soil monitoring allows you to get an objective picture of their condition and take measures to protect and restore the soil cover.
Belarus pays great attention to the preservation of the soil cover. Specialists of the land monitoring department of Belhydromet Environmental Monitoring Service conduct long-term regular monitoring of the state of the soil cover and trends in its change under the influence of chemical pollutants. This allows you to obtain objective information about the state of soils and take measures to protect and restore them. The observations carried out by our specialists help to identify the negative consequences of human activity and develop measures for the restoration and protection of soils. The importance of such research cannot be overestimated, especially in the context of climate change and global challenges of our time.
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