Visit of World Bank experts
Visit of World Bank experts to Belhydromet took place on 19 November, 2019.
During the visit draft of a Road Map was reviewed and discussed in detail. Road map “Strengthening Hydromet And Early Warning Services in Belarus” prepared by World Bank as part of implementation of component 3 “Improving the quality of hydrometeorological information and information on radiation situation, including the use of early warning systems” of the project Project “Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in the Republic of Belarus”.

From World Bank side event was attended by:
Daniel Werner Kull, senior disaster risk management specialist, project manager;
Vladislava I. Nemova, environment specialist,
Haleh Kootval, senior specialist, meteorology and public weather service,
Andreas Schumann,senior specialist in hydrology and floods
Paolo Fiorucci, senior specialist in wild/forest fires
Kathrin Baumman-Stanzer, senior specialist in radiation monitoring and forecasting,
Andreas Schaffhauser,senior specialist in MeteoAlarm integration
Ekaterina Zayash, interpreter.

Technical Assistance Project “Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in the Republic of Belarus”
aims to enhance disaster risk preparedness capacity in the Republic of Belarus by improving extreme weather reporting, risk identification, data availability and dissemination and national disaster risk reduction strategy.
The project is implemented jointly by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.
The first working meeting with World Bank experts was held in Belhydromet on January this year. During this week’s meeting, representatives of Belhydromet familiarized experts with the history of hydrometeorological service of the Republic of Belarus, system of activities in the field of meteorology, hydrology and radiation monitoring, also conducted an excursion in the center, accompanying with interesting information, answered questions.
Following the visit was made a decision by World Bank experts and Belhydromet employees to jointly finalize the draft Roadmap, which represents potential path aimed at strengthening the national hydrometeorological service (Belhydromet) and early warning systems, forest fire forecasting, as well as radiation monitoring and weather forecasting systems tailored to customer needs. Draft of a Roadmap is based on assessment of needs and potential of Belhydromet, which is main and only official provider of services in the field of weather, water resources, radiation monitoring, as well as forecasts and warnings.
Draft of a Roadmap, reviewed on November 19, 2019, will be jointly finalized until March 2020. Bilateral signing of the project is scheduled for April 2020 at World Bank office in Minsk.