«United Security Day» in Belhydromet

Belarus is hosting the United Security Day campaign for the first time from February 20 to March 1, 2019. Targeted measures are being taken to prevent emergencies, offenses and crimes, as well as training in emergency situations, accidents, and first aid. It is assumed that the «United Security Day» will be held in the country twice a year: in February and September.
Preventive event dedicated to the United Day of Safety was held as a part of action on March 1, 2019 in the assembly hall of Belhydromet in order to build a safety culture of life in the field of protection against emergency situations.
In the program of the event:
1. Lectures on actions in case of a threat or emergency of a natural and man-made nature was held.
2. Demonstration of videos on «Actions at the signal» Warning!».
3. Alert and evacuation of employees in the event of a fire in administrative building of Belhydromet.
4. There was a visual campaign with information about life safety at the information stand of Belhydromet.