The 3rd belarusian-polish expert working groups meeting

The 3rd belarusian-polish expert working groups meeting in the field of meteorology, hydrology and aeronautical meteorology between Belhydromet and Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB) was held on February 19, 2020.

The delegation of IMGW-PIB of the Republic of Poland was headed by Malgozhata Machuga, deputy director of the country's hydrological safety center. The delegation included:
Isabella Zablotzka, head of central bureau of civil aviation predictions - meteorological tracking authority, Rafale Lewando, head of remote sensing sector, Jacek Trzosowski, head of international cooperation sector.

Sviatlana Kuzmich, deputy head of Belhydromet, made welcome remarks. In the speech, she noted the urgent need and importance of developing cooperation between National Hydrometeorological Services of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland.
The following issues were discussed during the meeting:
carrying out of practical training course for Belhydromets weather forecasters at Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute in 2020;
the experience of using SADIS output data for the formation of software products produced by IMGW-PIB;
the use of the AIREP information formation system issued within the flight information region of the Republic of Poland;
the features of climate services of economic sectors, government and the population in the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Belarus (the question is related to the sphere of climate);
the results of joint international hydrometric and geodetic valley surveys of cross sections in the profiles of the Bug river water meter (Terespol/Brest and Wlodawa/Tamashouka); and also some other important issues.
As a result of the meeting number of fundamentally important decisions which will contribute to the development of closer interaction between Belhydromet and IMGW-PIB were made.
An agreement concerning practical training for weather forecasters in IMGW-PIB in 2020 was reached.