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Session of Working group on the theme «Capacity-building and professional training» of Interstate Council for hydrometeorology of CIS member States

Session of Working group WG-8 on the theme «Capacity-building and professional training» of Interstate Council for hydrometeorology of CIS member States was held in the A.I. Voeikov Central Geophysical Observatory on 28-29 May, 2018 (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation).
The meeting reviewied the state of staff capacity of the national hydrometeorological services, identified opportunities and main areas of joint action for sustainable capacity development including  interaction with national training institutions of CIS member States which trains specialists- hydrometeorologists and works with WMO programme on capacity development.
During the meeting it was decided to strengthen cooperation (in future engagement between national hydrometeorological services) in the field of staff capacity-building
WG-9 is executive body of Interstate Council for hydrometeorology of CIS member States and  carries out its functions in close collaboration with  the Secretariant of CIS Interstate Council for hydrometeorology and with CIS Executive Committee.
The purpose of the WG-8  is to prepare draft decisions of  Interstate Council for hydrometeorology on the organization and coordination in terms of capacity building and training schemes for national hydrometeorology services. 

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