Second International Scientific Conference on EU project «Baltic Earth» (11-15 June, 2018)

Between 11 and 15 June 2018 Second International Scientific Conference entitled «Baltic Sea region in the transition period» on EU project «Baltic Earth» was held for countries which are parts of Baltic Sea basin in Helsingør (Denmark).
Conference was organized by secretariat of project aimed at exploring Baltic Sea region, «Baltic Earth» with the support of Danish Meteorological University. Project «Baltic Earth» (formerly BALTEX) was launched in 1992 for research of climate and global changes in environment. Belarus has been taking part in most of the events and in the activities of project scientific group since 1993.

There were 5 sections at the Conference in which questions of salinity dynamic of Baltic Sea, particularities of biogeochemical cycle, repeatability and spread of meteorological and hydrological hazards, sea-level change, channel processes and erosion of coastal regions, regional specificities of water and energy cycles, climate modeling and drivers of natural environment change in the Baltic Sea region were discussed.
At the Conference Belhydromet was represented by Chief of Hydrology and Agrometeorology Service Zhuravovich Liudmila and Chief of Hydrological Monitoring Department Kvach Elena.