Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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National Unity Day is celebrated in Belarus on September 17

National Unity Day is a state holiday which was established by the President of Belarus in 2021, and this year our country will celebrate it for the third time.
The date is timed to the anniversary of the liberation campaign of the Red Army on September 17, 1939 which resulted in the reunification of the western and eastern lands of Belarus (then the BSSR). On this momentous day the Red Army committed an act of historical justice returning a significant part of the Belarusian lands with the original Belarusian people divided against their will under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty to the bosom of their native country.
As a result of the liberation campaign of the Red Army and the reunification of Western Belarus with the BSSR the population and area of Belarus have doubled! The territory of the republic amounted to 225.7 thousand square kilometers, and the population grew to 10 million people. In honor of this important event streets are named in many cities of Belarus – thus it was immortalized in the history of the Soviet authorities.
September 17 is considered a solemn day of national scale. This holiday is a symbol of pride for our great Motherland, a symbol of creativity, unity, patriotism and sovereignty.
A large number of various socio-political and patriotic events are planned for the National Unity Day at various levels in the country, patriotic actions are being held.
In Minsk, an alley of flags will appear in front of the National Library on the Day of National Unity where symbols of all districts, regions and cities of the country's regional subordination will be presented. The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus will head the alley.
152 satin flags with a height of several meters will be placed on flagpoles, on which a special QR code will be placed. By scanning it Minsk residents and guests of the capital will be able to find out information about the sights and history of the district. The unity of symbols marks the unity of the country!

The staff of Belhydromet sincerely congratulates all compatriots on National Unity Day!
We wish all our citizens well-being, prosperity and mutual support so that our native Belarus will always remain a successful and independent state and confidently move into a bright future with new prospects!

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