Minsk hosted the 30th jubilee Session of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States on October 17-18, 2018

Minsk hosted the 30th jubilee Session of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States on October 17-18, 2018. The agenda included 23 questions upon the main activities of the national hydrometeorological services of the CIS. The agenda was divided into 5 sections.
The head of the Belhydromet Raman Labaznau was appointed as the chairman of the 30th session of the ISH of CIS. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Khudyk and the head of the Regional Office for Europe Milan Dacic made a welcoming speech at the opening of the session.
The main areas of cooperation are: hydrometeorological security, information exchange, meteorological support of flights of civil aviation; long-term forecasts, global climate change, instruments and methods of measurement, active impacts on hydrometeorological processes, monitoring of environmental pollution, the activities of the observation network, agricultural meteorology, hydrology, frames, telecommunications and satellite information, storm warning and warning of natural phenomena; transboundary water and sediment transport.
The Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States working results:
1. April 16, 2004, the Heads of Government of the CIS Member approved the Concept of Hydrometeorological Safety of the CIS Member prepared by the Council for Hydrometeorology. The main aim of the Concept is the formation of an official view on the role and importance of ensuring hydrometeorological security as an integral part of the national security of each of the participating states. The main task is to ensure conditions that would contribute to the achievement of the necessary level and quality of the hydrometeorological support of the participating states, allowing to reduce the negative impact of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena on the safety of life and property of people, as well as the functioning of the economies of countries.
2. On May 30, 2012, within the framework of the development of the provisions of the Concept, the Council of CIS Heads of Governments approved the Strategy for the development of hydrometeorological activities of the CIS members, which is an agreed set of interrelated tasks and directions for development, activities and stages of their implementation, mechanisms that effectively solve systemic problems in the activities of national hydrometeorological services of the CIS member states and achievement of the set goals.
3. The Regional Specialized Meteorological Center (SPA “Taifun” of Roshydromet) was established to provide the CIS countries with the necessary forecast information on the trajectory of pollutants during man-made accidents (including NPPs).
4. A unified scientific, methodological and technological base for production activities in the field of hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution in the territory of the participating states has been created and is constantly developing.
5. There is a constant exchange of scientific and practical literature published by the national hydrometeorological services of the CIS member states.
6. Unified requirements for the training of key specialists in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental pollution control have been developed and approved, and the procedure for internships, individual training and advanced training has been determined.
7. The CIS Interstate Hydrometeorological Network was formed.