Minsk hosted WMOs technical seminars on October 2-4, 2018

On October 2-4, 2018, on the eve of the 30th anniversary session of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States, technical seminars on the World Meteorological Organizations’ Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) were held in Minsk. As part of the activities, there were meetings of the task forces of the Regional Association VI (RA VI) on WIGOS and on observations from aircraft. The meetings were attended by representatives of 18 states.
The WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) is an integrated approach of improving global climate observing systems and their gradual development. Together with the WMO Information System (WIS), WIGOS is the basis for all member countries of the organization to ensure accurate, reliable and timely observational data and products in the field of weather, climate, water and associated environmental media.
The AMDAR is a subsystem of the integrated global observing system, which is defined and maintained as part of the WMO World Weather Observation Program. The AMDAR system uses predominantly existing on-board sensors, computers and communication systems to collect, process, format and transmit meteorological data to ground stations. The collected data is used for a number of meteorological applications, including weather forecasting, climate monitoring, weather early warning systems, weather monitoring and forecasting in the aviation industry.
State Hydrometeorological Services of WMO Members 24 hours a day and 7 days a week transmit important information about weather situations and climate change around the world. Timely and accurate warnings of changes in weather conditions and climate provide an opportunity to prepare in advance for the upcoming natural emergencies, to minimize their consequences for the community and the environment.