Meteorological and aerological complex “Minsk” opening ceremony

Opening ceremony of meteorological and aerological complex “Minsk” in the district of military town took place on December 27, 2018.
Building of a new meteorological and aerological observation station started on April 2, 2018. The complex put into operation on April 5, 2018.
Uniqueness of the new complex consists of integrated approach of different observing networks functioning: surface meteorological, actinometric, hydrological and aerological.
The most modern equipment and instruments purchased and set for producing of all types of observations.
First deputy prime minister of the Republic of Belarus M.I. Rusyi, Minister of natural resources and environmental protection A.P.Khudyk , First deputy minister of Minister of natural resources and environmental protection I.V.Malkina and Pershamaisky District Chief Officer I.A.Kudrevich took place in the opening ceremony.
Honored guests have learned the object, visited meteorological platform and methodical-training block, and also learned preparation and launch technology of weather balloon.

Фото: Сергей Балай, Белапан