Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Brief climatic characteristics and weather forecast for the territory of Belarus for February 2021

February is the last winter month and is close to January in its temperature regime. The average monthly air temperature in February (climatic norm) in Belarus is -4,3°С, varying from -1,9°С in the South-West to -6,2°С in the Northeast, and in comparison with January it rises by 0,2°C. In some years, it can sharply differ from the average long-term values. Thus, the average monthly air temperature in February 1947, 1954, 1985, 1986 was 8-11°C below the climatic norm. During the post-war period, the coldest (with an average monthly air temperature in the republic of -14,9°C, which is 10,6°C lower than the average long-term values) was February 1956. February 1929 is considered extremely cold for the entire period of meteorological observations (the average monthly temperature is -17.1°C, which is 12.8°C lower than the climatic norm).
Warm weather (5-6°C above the climatic norm) was noted in February 1989, 1995, 2002, 2016 and 2020. The warmest for the entire more than a century period of meteorological observations was February 1990 with an average monthly air temperature of + 2.6 ° С, which is almost 6.9 ° С warmer than usual.
Night temperatures in February are -5 -9°С, but during cold invasions from the Arctic they can drop to -25°С and below. The absolute minimum (-40.7°С) was noted at the Dokshitsy meteorological station on the night of February 1, 1956. During the day, the air temperature is usually -3, +1°С. The absolute maximum (+17.2°С) was recorded at the Brest meteorological station in the afternoon of February 21, 1990. During the month, usually 10-17 days with a thaw are observed.
The duration of sunshine per month is 59-70 hours.
During February, the snow cover increases, and by the end of the month, as a rule, the average height of the snow cover reaches 12-26 cm, in the southern regions of the republic - 7-14 cm. On average, 12-18 days with precipitation are noted per month.
their number is 27-45 mm (climatic norm). With a cyclonic nature of the weather, the monthly amount of precipitation increases to 56-130 mm, exceeding the norm by 2-3 times. In some years, when anticyclonic processes prevail, the monthly amount of precipitation decreases to 1-11 mm.
On average, in February, there are 1-4 days with icy phenomena, 2-6 days with frost, 3-8 days with a blizzard and 2-11 days with fogs.
The average monthly air temperature is expected to be 1°C below the climatic norm, in some places around it (norm -2 -6°C).
Monthly precipitation is forecasted within the long-term average values (climatic norm 27-45 mm).

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