Belhydromet team took part in summer republic games for workers of organisations of Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection

Republic games for workers of organisations of Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection were held in Lida between 9 and 10 June, 2018.

It was organized by: Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection, Sports and Tourism Ministry, Belarusian Union of forest and environmental management workers.

Minister of natural resources and environmental protection Andrey Hudyk, Chairman of Belarusian Union of forest and environmental management workers Cheslava Goeva, Chairman of Lida district executive committee Mikhail Karpovich, Head of sports and tourism department of Lida District executive committee of Lida district executive committee Aleksandr Makey, chief judge of competition Igor Savras participated in the opening ceremony.

Republic games were attended by 14 teams, among which combined teams of regions and subordinate organisations of the Ministry. 7 kinds of sport were included in the games: volleyball, swimming, track and field relay race, pool, table tennis, darts and shooting.

Team of State institution "Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and environmental monitoring" (Belhydromet) took part in all kinds of competitions. Team was composed of 17 persons. Head of Belhydromet Roman Labaznov, chairwoman of primary union organisation Natalia Olehnovich as well as representatives of the Administration and central administration union and of Belhydromet branches have represented and supported sports team.

According to team rating Belhydromet sportsmen had made good progress and demonstrated their athletic instruction and rush of winning.

By their own example the participants of competition showed that sport is an excellent way to keep in shape and stay healthy.

Sport enhances self-confidence as well as gives you good spirit.