Belhydromet participated in the 21st international exhibition of technologies and innovations in the industry "TechInnoProm"
From 29 May to 1 June 2018 in Minsk, the Football Manege (Minsk, Pobediteley 20/2) in the framework of the Belarusian industrial forum was held the 21st international exhibition of technologies and innovations in the industry Tehnoprom.
The exhibition included three thematic sections:
industrial equipment, technologies and products;
industry 4.0-modern industrial automation, advanced innovative materials and technologies;
energy in industry, energy saving, ecology.

Main objectives of the exhibition:
demonstration of innovative industrial equipment, products and technologies of domestic and foreign companies for their promotion in regional and international markets;
strengthening business contacts and exchange of experience.

The state institution "Republican center for Hydrometeorology, radioactive pollution control and environmental monitoring" was presented at the exhibition together with other organizations subordinated to the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection.
The exposition of the Ministry of natural resources was presented in a new format – instead of traditional posters, a video about the main activities of the Ministry of natural resources and its subordinate organizations was prepared for the exhibition.

In addition, everyone, visiting the exhibition stand of the Ministry of natural resources, was able to see the weather forecast for the next 6 days.

The official closing took place on Friday 1 June at 13.00.