68th Joint board meeting of Union State of the Committee for hydrometeorology and environmental pollution monitoring was held in Rostov-on-Don

From 8 to 9 November 68th Joint board meeting of Union State of the Committee for hydrometeorology and environmental pollution monitoring took place in Rostov-on-Don, where wide range of cooperation issues were discussed by Roshydromet and Belhydromet.
Representatives of Roshydromet and Belhydromet discussed:
Bilateral data exchange of observations and processed information with existing DMRL.
Implementation state of Union state Program «Development of the hydrometeorological safety system of Union State » in 2017-2021 for I-III quarter 2018 year.
Execution of research work on topics:
• Improvement of the quality of hydrometeorological forecasts and detection of danger hydrometeorological phenomena,
• Forecasting particularities on base of COSMO-Ru-By and WRF,
• Methodological aspects of hydrometeorological network automatization in the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation,
• State of monitoring system readiness, forecasting radiation situation, warning to the population and public authorities about possible emergency situations at radiation-hazardous facilities
• Draft Plan of cooperation work of Union State of the Committee for hydrometeorology and environmental pollution monitoring in 2019 year and other important issues.