5 June - World Environment Day

World Environment Day is considered one of the most important events of the ecological calendar. It is celebrated annually on June 5 in more than 100 countries.
On December 15, 1972, the General Assembly declared June 5 World Environment Day, the purpose of which was to increase public awareness of the need to preserve and improve the environment. The choice of this date is justified by the fact that it was on 5 June, for the first time, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), which was followed by the creation of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
World Environment Day is one of the main ways to attract world attention to environmental problems. Environmental protection is a nationwide task, the importance of which can not be overemphasized. In solving environmental problems, a great deal depends on the position of each individual person, who can significantly change both his attitude towards environmental issues, and, ultimately, the state of the environment.
The celebration of each World Environment Day is organized around a theme focused on the most pressing environmental issue.
The motto of the World Environment Day 2018 is \"Fighting Plastic Contamination.\"
This slogan is a call to action for each of us, a call to fight one of the greatest environmental problems of our time together. This theme appeals to each of us, offering to think about how we can change our daily lives to alleviate the overwhelming burden of plastic pollution lying on the surrounding nature, wild animals, and even on our own health.
Global plastic contamination in figures:
-Annually up to 5 trillion plastic bags are used
-Annually 13 million tons of plastic fall into the world ocean
-17 million barrels of oil are used annually for plastic production
-1 million plastic bottles are bought every minute
-Every year, plastic kills 100,000 marine animals
-Decomposition of plastic in the environment occurs in the course of 100 years
-According to studies, 90% of bottled water contains plastic particles
-According to studies, 83% of tap water contains particles of plastic
-50% of consumer plastic products - disposable
-10% of all waste generated by mankind - plastic waste
To defeat pollution by plastic, it is necessary to rethink cardinally our approach to the development, production and use of plastic products.
Pollution by plastic is the main environmental problem of our time.
Official events dedicated to the celebration of World Environment Day will be held this year in India.
India is very encouraged by the opportunity to host celebrations on the occasion of World Environment Day, Indian philosophy and way of life have long been based on the principle of coexistence with nature.
The Government of India has pledged to organize and promote celebrations in honor of World Environment Day through a series of interactive activities and events generating high public interest and involvement. From all-Indian initiatives for cleaning plastics in public places, national reserves and forests, to simultaneous cleaning of beaches - India will lead the initiative with its own example.
Along with the world community on June 5, all Belarusian nature advocates, environmentalists, public figures and ecologists also celebrate their professional holiday.
In our country, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus marks the Day of Environmental Protection on June 5, and its celebration coincides with the celebration of World Environment Day.
Reference: By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 02.02.2000
No. 35 \"On the introduction of additions and changes to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 26, 1998 No. 157\", the list of holidays is supplemented with the Day of Environmental Protection - June 5.
Traditionally on this day it is customary to hold various actions and measures to protect the environment, calling not to pass by the problems of the ecological situation, but to take the path of their solution.
This year, the holiday of June 5 for the republic is of special importance, so far as 2018 in Belarus is declared the Year of the Little Motherland.
The contribution to the environmental protection and Belhydromet staff of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus is significant. Belhydromet specialists carry out monitoring of the physical, chemical and biological (for water bodies) processes occurring in the environment and provide the state administration bodies, organizations of various sectors of the economy and the population with operational forecast information.
Belhydromet congratulates colleagues on the Day of Environmental Protection and expresses gratitude to all those who devote their lives to caring for the environment.
We call on all to live in harmony with nature, without violating its laws and regulations, to use its wealth rationally, in order to preserve our planet for future generations.