Overview of hydrological situation of March 5, 2025

In the past 24 hours, on the Dnieper River near the town of Loev the water level reached the level of water outlet to the floodplain. The Western Dvina near Polotsk and the Vilia near agrotown Mikhalishki have been completely cleared of ice formations, their tributaries, as well as some tributaries of the Dnieper, the Sozh and the Pripyat. The Pripyat near the village of Chernichi, its tributary the river Uborts, the tributary of the Western Dvina the river Usvyacha and the tributary of the Sozh river Oster were discovered.
As of March 5, freeze-up with a thickness of 5-21 cm and freeze-up with polynyas is observed on the Berezina, the greater part of the Dnieper, the Pripyat, and parts of the Western Dvina, the Neman, and the Sozh rivers. The reservoirs of Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Vileyskoye, Soligorskoye, Krasnaya Sloboda, lakes Naroch, Lukomskoye, Drivyaty and Chervonoye have a thickness of freeze-up of 16-25 cm. The ice structure is changing, the ice is melting in place, and water on ice is everywhere.
Fluctuations in water levels with a daily intensity of 1-32 cm are observed on rivers.
The melting of the ice cover will continue in the next 24 hours. There will be fluctuations in water levels on the rivers, sometimes sharp due to the opening of rivers.

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