Overview of hydrological situation of March 19, 2025

Over the past 24 hours, the tributary of the Western Dvina River, the Drysa River near the village of Dernovichi, the tributary of the Dnieper, the Ivnya-Bond Canal near the village of Budka, lakes Drivyaty and Chervonoe, have completely cleared of ice formations.
As of March 19, submerged land-fast ice remain on the Narev River, a tributary of the Western Bug at the village Nemerzha, and on Lake Naroch, the ice fields are pressing against the shore.
On the Dnieper, the Berezina and the Sozh there is an increase in water levels with a daily intensity of 1-8 cm, on the Western Dvina, the Neman, the Vilia and the the Pripyat, fluctuations in water levels with an intensity of up to 23 cm per day are noted.
In the coming days water levels will rise in some river sections, and the Narev River, a tributary of the Western Bug, at the village Nemerzha will be cleared of ice formations.

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