Overview of hydrological situation of January 31, 2025

As of January 31, there are no ice formations in the country's water bodies.
On the rivers of the basins of the Western Dvina, the Neman, the Dnieper and the Pripyat, fluctuations in water levels with a daily intensity of 1-15 cm are noted, on the rivers of the basins of the Vilia, the Berezina and the Sozh there is a slight decrease in water levels and their smooth course.
On the Neman River near Grodno and the Berezina River near Bobruisk water levels are below the marks limiting navigation.
The water temperature ranges from 0.3°C to 5.9°C in rivers and from 0.7°C to 2.6°C in reservoirs.
In the next five days the cold weather will contribute to a decrease in water temperature and the appearance of ice formations on rivers and reservoirs. There will be fluctuations in water levels on the rivers with a tendency to decrease.

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