Overview of hydrological situation of February 5, 2025

As of February 5, fluctuations in water levels with an intensity of 1-15 cm per day are observed on the rivers. On the Neman River near Grodno the water level is below a dangerously low level.
The cold weather caused a decrease in water temperature and the appearance of ice formations in the form of submerged land-fast ice and ice run on separate tributaries of the Western Dvina and Western Bug, in the lower reaches of the Vilia as well as on individual reservoirs of the country.
The water temperature has dropped and ranges from 0°C to 3.0°C in rivers and ranges from 0°C to 1.4°C in reservoirs.
By the end of this week there will be a decrease in water levels and a smooth flow on the rivers. Weather conditions will contribute to the intensification of ice formation processes.

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