Overview of hydrological situation of February 25, 2025

As of February 25, freeze-up with a thickness of 6-20 cm and freeze-up with polynyas is observed on most rivers of the basins of the Western Dvina, the Dnieper, the Berezina, the Pripyat, on certain sections of the rivers of the Sozh basin and along the Neman. The reservoirs of Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Vileyskoye, Soligorsk, Krasnaya Sloboda, lakes Naroch, Lukomskoye, Drivyaty and Chervonoye have a continuous ice cover 17-24 cm thick.
There are fluctuations in water levels on the rivers: on the Western Dvina and on the Dnieper with an intensity of 1-20 cm per day; on the Neman, the Vilia, the Berezina, the Sozh and the Pripyat – 1-7 cm per day.
There will be no significant changes in the ice and level regimes of the rivers in the coming days.

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