Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
Main / Information / hydrology

Overview of hydrological situation of December 24, 2024

As of December 24, freeze-up with polynyas is observed on the Western Dvina near the town of Surazh, the agrotown of Ulla and the tributary of the Sozh river Besed near the village Svetilovichi. Submerged land-fast ice and ice-run are noted in certain sections of the Dnieper,the  Sozh, some of their tributaries, as well as on most tributaries of the Western Dvina. A thin ice cover with polynyas and rims is observed on the reservoirs Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Krasnaya Sloboda and Lake Chervonoe. 
Fluctuations in water levels with a daily intensity of 1-16 cm are observed on the country's rivers. 
No significant changes are expected in the level and ice conditions in the coming days. 
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