Overview of hydrological situation of December 16, 2024

In the past period (December 11-15), a decrease in air temperature caused the appearance of ice formations on the rivers of the country.
As of December 16, snowcover, submerged land-fast ice and ice run are observed almost everywhere on the rivers. On the Western Dvina near the town of Surazh, agro-town of Ulla, some of its tributaries, as well as on some tributaries of the Dnieper, the Sozh and the Pripyat, there is freeze-up and freeze-up with polynyas. Snow cover and submerged land-fast ice are observed on the Vileyskoye reservoir, the Drivyaty and Naroch lakes, thin ice cover is observed on the Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Soligorskoye, Krasnaya Sloboda reservoirs and Lake Chervon.
In connection with the transformative processes on the rivers, there are sharp (up to 37 cm) daily fluctuations in water levels due to ice jams.
In the coming days there will be an increase in water levels on the rivers, and in some of their sections it is possible for water to reach the floodplain. The intensification of ice formation processes is not expected.

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