Climate characteristics of November 2024
The average air temperature in Belarus in November 2024 was +2.6°C, which is 1°C above the climatic norm.
Deviation of the average air temperature in November for the period 1991-2024
from the climatic norm (+1.6°C)
Positive air temperature anomaly was observed throughout the country, which was mainly in the range from 0.5 to 2°C.
In the regional context the highest values of positive deviations of air temperature from the climatic norm were noted in the Vitebsk region (an average is 1.7°C in the region), in the Brest region the deviations were the lowest (0.4°C).
Deviation (°C) of the average November air temperature
from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus
The average air temperature for three decades of the month was above normal.
The average air temperature and climatic norm
for the decades of November 2024 in the territory of Belarus
The daytime temperature at the beginning of the month was mainly +6 +14°C. Then the temperature background dropped slightly, and the air temperature was 0 +5, and on some days of the third decade it fell below zero in places. The maximum value (+15.9°C) air temperature reached on November 1 at the Pruzhany station.
Night temperatures for most of the month were in the range of 0 +6°C, on the coldest nights the temperature dropped to -4-6°C and below. The minimum air temperature for the month was recorded at the Oshmyany station on November 23 and amounted to -8.8°C.
Steady transition of the average daily air temperature through +5° (the end of the growing season) in most of the country took place in early November, which is 4-11 days later than usual.
During the month an average of 34 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 74% of the climatic norm. Precipitation spread unevenly across the country. There was an increase in precipitation from the southwest to the northeast from 50-75% of the climatic norm to 100-125% of the climatic norm, respectively.
Deviation (%) of the monthly precipitation amount for November
from the climatic norm in the territory of Belarus
By region the most precipitation was recorded in the Vitebsk region – an average of 51 mm or 100% of the norm. The smallest is in the territory of the Brest region – 22 mm or 53% of the norm.
The amount of precipitation in November 2024 and the climatic norm
by regions and on the territory of Belarus
During the first two decades of November, there was a lack of precipitation. The greatest shortage of moisture was observed in the first decade of the month, with an average of 50% of precipitation falling across the country. In the second decade, an average of 83% of precipitation fell across the country. In the last decade of the month, about the norm of precipitation fell.
The amount of precipitation and the climatic norm
for the decades of November 2024 on the territory of Belarus
Precipitation fell in the form of snow, sleet and rain. During the month, the snow cover was repeatedly installed and destroyed. The maximum snow height for the month was 22 cm and was observed on November 23 at the Kostyukovichi station. On the last day of the month, snow cover was almost everywhere absent, with the exception of individual stations, where its height ranged from less than 0.5 cm to 8 cm (Mstislavl).
Fogs were observed in some parts of the country, and icy phenomena were observed in some places. Wind gusts of up to 15 m/s and more were observed throughout the country. The maximum wind speed (24 m/s) was registered at the stations Slavgorod, Novogrudok (November 2) and Gorki, Klichev (November 4).
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