Climate characteristics of March 2024
The average air temperature in Belarus in March was +4.1°C, which is 3.3°C higher than the climatic norm. March of this year took 5th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, since 1945.

Deviation of the average air temperature in March for the period 1991-2024 from the climatic norm (0.8 °C)
The positive air temperature anomaly spread throughout the country and was mainly in the range of 3 to 4°C.
In the regional context, the largest positive deviations of air temperature from the climatic norm were noted in the Vitebsk region (3.5°C), the smallest – in the Gomel region (3.1°C).

Deviation (°C) of the average air temperature in March 2024 from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus
The average air temperature for three decades of the month was above normal. The last decade was especially warm with a positive anomaly of 5.1°C.
The steady transition of the average daily air temperature through 5°C upward (the beginning of the growing season) in most of the country was carried out 1.5-2 weeks earlier than its usual dates – March 21-29, in the far southeast on March 17, and in the far south the transition occurred on February 21-22, which is earlier than the usual dates for a month or more.
The average air temperature and climatic norm for the decades of March 2024 in the territory of Belarus
The daytime temperature on most days of the month was mainly in the range of +5 +15°C, during cold spells in the first half of the month it dropped to -1 +4°C. At the end of the month, when there was a sharp warming, it rose to +20 +26 ° C. The maximum air temperature for the month was recorded at the Lelchitsy station on March 31 and amounted to +27.2°C. In March 2024, the values of the absolute maximum air temperature were updated throughout the country, exceeding the previous ones by 2-5°C.
The air temperature at night was mostly negative throughout the month and was mainly in the range of -1 - 5°C. At the end of the month, the air temperature was quite high for this time at night. The thermometer rose to +7+13°C. The minimum air temperature for the month was recorded at the Bobruisk station on March 11 and amounted to -9.3 °C.

Deviation (%) of the monthly precipitation amount for March 2024 from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus
During the month, an average of 22 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 59% of the climatic norm. March 2024 was among the twenty driest since 1945. In most parts of the country, 50-75% of the climatic norm of precipitation fell.
By region, the most precipitation was observed in the Gomel region – an average of 29 mm or 72% of the norm. The smallest is in the territory of the Mogilev region – 18 mm or 48% of the norm.
The amount of precipitation in March 2024 and the climatic norm by regions and on the territory of Belarus
During the first two decades of the month, there was a shortage of precipitation, in the last decade the amount of precipitation was close to normal.
The amount of precipitation and the climatic norm for the decades of March 2024 on the territory of Belarus
Precipitation fell in the form of rain, sometimes sleet and snow. There was no snow cover during the month, and only at the beginning of the second decade it was established for a short time at most observation points with a height of less than 0.5 cm to 4 cm.
Icy phenomena and fogs were observed throughout the month. A thunderstorm was registered at Brest stations on March 25 and Zhlobin on March 29. In some places, there was an increase in wind speed with gusts up to 15 m/s or more. The maximum wind speed (18 m/s) was recorded at Gorki stations on March 28 and October on March 29.