Review of the agrometeorological situation of September 25, 2019

According to recent data of visual observations, 10 cm topsoil is in a moderate moistened state in most of Belarus. However, poor moistening of 10 cm topsoil remains in many areas of Brest region and in the south of Grodno region. According to data of meteorological stations Brest, Drogichin and Bragin, soil is still dry at depth of 10 cm that complicates underwinter soil treatment and finishing of winter cereal crops sowing. Cold weather with frosts slows germination, seedling emergence and further development of winter crops. Duration of “sowing-seedling” period increased up to 1,5-2 weeks. Winter cereal crops sown in early September has emerged in the areas with sufficient moisture content in soil. Third leaf has appeared on the earliest sowings.
In the coming days, agrometeorological conditions won’t change significantly because of the continuation of decreased temperature in most Belarus. Weather mainly without precipitations will allow maintaining good pace of harvest works. However, with the remain threat of frost, hand-dug agricultural crops should not be left on the fields without covering. Maize damaged with low temperature that is destined for silage should be harvested in the first instance.