Review of the agrometeorological situation of September 18, 2018

Past rains moistened topsoil but not everywhere. According to visual observation data, topsoil is in a moderate moistened state in most of the country that contributes to conducting under-winter treatment and winter cereal crops sowing, favourable conditions for seedling emergence of winter crops is being created. However, because of uneven spread of precipitation in all Belarusian regions, except Minsk region, there is observed a poor moistening of topsoil in certain areas. According to data from meteorological stations Sharkovshchina and Slavgorod, topsoil at depth of 10 cm is still dry. There are difficult conditions for soil treatment and seedling emergence of winter crops on dry soils.
Seedlings of winter cereal crops will emerge in general in 6-8 days after sowing. According to recent data of observations on fields, sown before September 10, seedlings are observed on winter cereal crops, third leaf appeared im some places on the earliest sowings. Leaves formation is registered on winter rape.
In the coming days because of expected shortage of precipitation, areas with moisture deficit in topsoil could expand. In this, agrometeorological conditions will contribute to winter sowing and harvest works in most of the country. Optimal terms for winter cereal crops sowing are finishing in northern part of Belarus.