Review of the agrometeorological situation of September 12, 2018

Moisture content decreased because of predominance of dry weather in the first decade of September. However, according to operational determination of soil moisture, moisture content is sufficient under winter cereals and winter rape as well as in the fields designated for winter sowing in the northern and western parts of the Republic. Warm weather contributes to seed germination and rise of winter crops sprouts. Sprouts of winter cereals sowed at the end of August – beginning of September. Leaves formation is registered on main areas of winter rape. Because of precipitation deficit, moisture content is satisfactory in Gomel region, many areas of Brest region, in southern and eastern parts of Minsk region and in the south and south-west of Mogilev region. Moisture content is poor in some areas. Moisture deficit worsens conditions for winter sowing, emergence of seedlings and further development of winter crops.
Expected rains at the end of this week will moisten topsoil, moisture deficit remains in some areas of tilth-top soil.