Review of the agrometeorological situation of October 9, 2019

According to recent data of visual observations, 10 cm topsoil is in a moderate moistened state in most of Belarus that contributes to harvest of potato and sugar-beet, maize for grain and silage, agrotechnical activities for winter cereal crops treatment. However, topsoil is still heavy moistened in most of Vitebsk region and, according to data of some meteorological stations, in the remain part of the country. Harvest wand underwinter works are difficult to carry out on the fields with soil overmoistening.
Decreased temperature slow the development of winter crops. Winter cereal crops have emerged on the fields sown up to September, 25. Third leaf is observed on the fields sown in early September and tillering has started. Formation of leaf rosette continues on winter rape. According to visual assessments, state of winter cereal crops is good. Conditions for vegetation of winter cereal crops will ameliorate because of expected temperature increase in the second half of this week.
In the coming days, frequent rains will complicate field agricultural works, areas with heavy moistening of topsoil may increase.