Review of the agrometeorological situation of October, 26, 2018

Past rains fulfilled moisture content in the topsoil in most of the Republic, in some areas of Vitebsk region and in the west of Brest region there is an overmoistening. Topsoil is in a well moistened state in most of Belarus. Because of subfreezing temperature in the north-east of Belarus, there is a soft subfreezing of the topsoil and a thin snowpack in the east of Vitebsk region. Because of uneven distribution of precipitations in certain areas of Gomel region, moisture deficit remains in the topsoil, according to data of agrometeorological station Vasilevichi, soil remains dry at depth of 10 cm. Harvesting of sugar beet, late vegetables, maize for silage and grain is nearing completion in the farms of the country. During the past 5 days of October, erratic weather conditions with precipitations will be unfavourable for harvest work finishing.
Because of a drop in temperature, active vegetation of winter crops have finished. According to recent observation data, tillering of winter cereal crops is registered on the fields sown before 20 September. This is an optimal phase for wintering. Seedlings and third leaf are observed on later sowings (third decade of September – first 5 days of October).