Review of the agrometeorological situation of October 2, 2019

Past rains have increased amount of areas with overmoistening. According to recent data of visual observations, 10 cm topsoil is waterlogged in most of Vitebsk and Grodno regions. Topsoil is in a moderate moistened state in the remain areas, but overmoistening is registered by some meteorological stations. Agricultural filed works are difficult to carry out on the areas with overmoistening.
Agrometeorological conditions for winter cereal crops are not favorable enough. Warmth and moisture deficit slowed emergence of seedlings and further development of plants in the 2nd half of September. Seedlings and 3rd leaf was observed on winter cereal crops fields sown up to September, 20. Grain germination continues on late sowings. Content of productive moisture under winter crops is sufficient in the plough layer in most of the country in earlu October.
Because of expected frost in the end of this week, vegetation of winter cereal crops will slow again. In the coming days, instable rainy weather will slow pace of harvest works. Because of expected frost, it’s need to speed up harvest of maize for silage. Hand-dug agricultural crops should not be left on the fields without covering.