Review of the agrometeorological situation of October 15, 2019

Agrometeorological conditions are favorable for harvest works in most of the Republic; good moistening of topsoil allow maintaining good pace of underwinter treatment. Difficult agrometeorological situation for agricultural field works remains in northern part of Belarus. According to recent data of visual observations, topsoil is still heavy moistened in many areas of Vitebsk region. Harvest of agricultural crops and agrotechnical activities for treatment of winter cereal crops sowings and fall-ploughing are difficult to carry out on the overmoistened soils.
Weather conditions will contribute to the finishing of potato harvest, fodder conservation, harvest of maize, sugar-beet and late vegetables in most of Belarus till the end of 2nd decade of October. Under the influence of warm weather, drying of overmoistened soils will be observed in the northern part of the country.