Review of the agrometeorological situation of October, 12, 2018

Development of winter crops on the main lands comes under conditions of sufficient water availability. According to operational determination of soil moisture on most of Belarus, there is sufficient content of productive moisture in the tilth-top soil. Because of significant precipitation deficit during the previous decade, there was reduction of moisture content in soil in the southern part of the Republic. Content of productive moisture in the ploughing horizon is decreased in most of the territory of Brest region, in some areas of Gomel region and in the southern part of Grodno region. Agrometeorological conditions for growth and development ofwinter crops worsened at such sites. Increased moisture content remain in the south-east of Vitebsk region. According to recent data, seedlings and third leaf are observed on many winter crops fields, tillering is observed on the fields sown before October 10. Grain germination continues on October sowings. Visual assessment of winter crops state is satisfactory.
In the second decade of October, because of remained precipitation deficit, further reduction of moisture content in soil could happen, especially southern part of the Republic. Temperature satisfactory for growth and development of winter crops is expected. Because of predominance of dry weather, agrometeorological conditions will be favourable for harvest work in the second decade of October.