Review of the agrometeorological situation of October 11, 2019

Past rains fulfilled moisture content in soil. According to the results of measurement of soil moisture, moisture content is sufficient for the development of winter cereal crops in most of Belarus. Moisture excess is observed in some areas of Vitebsk and Minsk regions. According to recent data of visual observations, 10 cm topsoil is overmoistened in most of the north-east part of Belarus and in the west of the country that complicates agricultural field works.
Seedling and third leaf are observed on the main areas of winter cereal crops, tillering has started on the fields sown up to September, 10. Germination continues on the latest sowings. Formation of leaf rosette continues on winter rape. Visual assessments of winter cereal crops state are good.
In the coming days, agricultural conditions will be favorable for growth and development of winter cereal crops because of the temperature increase. As the rains will stop, conditions for harvest works will ameliorate.