Review of the agrometeorological situation of May 15, 2019
Agrometeorological conditions are favourable for sowing of heat-loving crops, agrotechnical activities for sowing treatment. According to recent data of visual observations, 10 cm topsoil is in a moderate moistened state om most of Belarus, heavy moistening is registered only in certain areas. Deficit of soil moisture is still observed in the west of Grodno and Brest regions with lack of precipitations.
Average soil temperature at depth of 10 cm is favourable to seedlings emergence and further development of heat-loving crops.
Warm weather and sufficient moisture content in soil contribute to acquisition of herbs vegetative mass, formation of cereal crops and rape productivity. Tillering of spring cereal crops is observed on most of the Republic, stem elongation started in certain areas of Brest region. Third leaf is registered on most of the fields with spring cereals, seedlings emerged on May sowings in Vitebsk region. Stem growth continues on winter cereal crops, ear formation started in certain areas in the south-west of the country.
In the coming days, expected in the south-west of Belarus rains will ameliorate water availability of agricultural crops.