Review of the agrometeorological situation of June 15, 2018

This year mass sowing of maize was carried out earlier than last year. Warm weather in May encouraged fast grass emerges. Length of the period “sowing-seedlings” lasted in general 8-10 days, only in some areas seedlings emerged 2 weeks later because of the weak humidification of topsoil. Because of the higher temperatures and earlier sowing growth rate of maize is faster than last year. According to the latest observation data there is leaf formation of maize. There are 7-9 leaves in most of the fields, 11 - in the southern part of the country. There is formation of third and fifth leaf on crops made during the second half of May mainly in the north of the Republic. Visual assessments of the maize state are basically good, in Vitebsk and Minsk regions – satisfactory. However, because of the reducing of stored moisture in the soil conditions for accumulation of maize herbage are complicated especially in the southern part of the country. Stunting of the plants and drying of leaves started on certain fields of Gomel region.
Passing and expected rains should improve agrometeorological conditions for maize growth and development in the coming days.