Review of the agrometeorological situation of July 27, 2018

During the current week conditions for spiked cereals harvest were in general satisfactory because of rains – grain thresh was conducted while haulm stand drying. 10 cm topsoil is well moistened in much of Belarus. However, excessive moistening of topsoil remains in some areas of the Republic except Grodno region, equipment work is difficult at such sites. According to recent data, grain moisture remains above conditioned – 17-38%, it’s close to conditioned in several areas (14-16%), grain moisture has come down to 12% in some areas of ripe sowing.
At the same time, the evolving agrometeorological situation contributes to harvesting of more recent agricultural crops (maize, root crops, vegetables).
Expected warm weather in the near time will contribute to after-ripening and grain drying. Conditions for harvest work will improve in in most parts of the Republic. This period should be used for the increased pace of reaping.