Review of the agrometeorological situation of July 20, 2018

In condition of heat provision maize development and herbage building-up are progressing in advance of last year. Most of the country has accumulated 500-700°С of the effective temperatures from the beginning of vegetation period to July, 20; increase of 140-220°С is more than multi-year values, in the southern part of the Republic – sum of the effective temperatures above +10°С exceeded multi-year values by 230-290°С and is about 710-810°С.
According to recent data of observations paniculation is registered on main lands of maize, in some areas blossoming started, leaves formation continues on observed fields of late sowing timing. Cob flowering is registered in the southern part and in some western areas of the country, In the near future weather conditions will contribute to maize harvesting.
After recent rains topsoil is heavy moistened in Mogilev, Gomel regions, in some areas of Vitebsk and Grodno regions. There is moistening of 10 cm topsoil in the rest of the Republic. Frequent rains impede hay-harvesting, crops treatment by chemicals and in the same time create precondition for disease development. Conditions of cereal crops, winter rape and flax harvesting are far from satisfactory.