Review of the agrometeorological situation of July 19, 2018

Republican meteorological stations conducted a survey of flax planting in the end of June and in the first half of July. According to its results average flax height is less than last year. Prevailing height of plants is about 55-90 cm in surveyed sites, in some areas – to 105 cm, in sites most affected by drought – less than 50 cm. Height of stem technical part is 60-80 cm in most of the examined fields, in some areas of southern part and in the northeast of the country it’s more – about 90 cm. Height of stem technical part is below 55 cm in some areas.
Prevailing planting thickness is, in general, less than last year – in most of the examined fields – from 1000 to 1300 and more plants per square meter, in some fields of Minsk, Gomel and Grodno regions – less than 1000 plants per square meter. Planting thickness is better and about 1700-2000 per square meter in some areas of Brest region, in the north of Mogilev region and in the west of Vitebsk region. Seedling blight of flax was registered as moderately severe in some areas of Gomel region. After recent heavy downpours partial rotting of crops is registered on the observed fields of Goretskiy district. There is stem yellowing and leaves and plants drying, in places – plant mortality on sites affected by drought in all regions of Belarus except Mogilev region. Other observed fields demonstrate good and satisfactory state of planting, singular fields – perfect state. Weed infestation of crops is, in general, weak.
According to recent data, seed green and early yellow ripeness of flax is registered, flax harvest started. Optimum period of flax harvesting is phase of early yellow ripeness. Ripple stems have flexible and strong fiber at this time.