Review of the agrometeorological situation of July 17, 2018

Uncertain weather with rains extended grain filling period in cereal crops. Grain maturity is observed on main lands of winter cereal crops – there is gold ripeness, complete ripeness is registered in many parts of southern half of the country, grain filling of winter crops is still in progress in the north-eastern part of the Republic. Oat and summer barley reached gold ripeness in many parts of southern half of the country and in some areas of northern part of the country. Full maturity of summer crops is registered in some areas of Brest region. Harvest of spiked cereals started on farms of the Republic. There is grain filling of summer wheat in most fields.
Agrometeorological conditions for grain harvest are unfavourable because of rains. Torrential rains with strong winds have resulted in lodging of spiked cereals in some observation areas of Minsk and Vitebsk regions. Humidity of grain increased and is from 18% to 41%. Humidity of grain is close to normal amount (15-16%) in some areas of Brest and Minsk regions.
In the near future, expected rains of varying intensity will retard maturation and grain drying, complicate harvesting.