Review of the agrometeorological situation of July 10, 2018

Large-scale potato planting have started earlier than last year. It was carried out within an optimum time frame on most of the fields in the agricultural organizations – main lands have been planted by the end of first May decade. Potato was planted at a later date in Vitebsk region. Duration of the period «planting-emergence» is about 20-25 days in the observed fields. According to recent observation data blossoming continues on main potato fields, in some areas blossoming is coming to end on early beddings. Visual assessment of the state of potato fields is good.
Agrometeorological conditions for tuber initiation and growth are mostly favourable throughout most of the Belarus. Average soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is in general +18 +21С. Such temperature regime is close to optimal tube formation. Soil temperature is increased only in the south of the country +22 +24С. After recent rains water availability of potato is sufficient. Overwatering can be observed on heavy soils and in low places of the north-eastern region and in some central areas. It is necessary to continue protective treatment of potato plantings from blasts and diseases, conduct agrotechnical activities to improve soil aeration.