Review of the agrometeorological situation of February 25, 2020

Amount of precipitation fell out within the limits of climate normal and by 10-30% more during winter months over most of the territory of Belarus. There was a certain shortage of precipitation only in the southwestern region. Precipitation fell out by 10-25% less than usual in many areas. Small snow cover in the fields formed repeatedly but quickly melted under the influence of unusually warm weather. The soil remained thawed or slight soil freezing was noted. Instrumental determination of soil moisture was carried out to assess soil moisture. According to its results moisture content in the fields intended for sowing early spring crops in a meter layer is close to long-term averages. In many areas of southern Belarus with friable sub-sand soils and sandy soils moisture content is less. Reserves of productive moisture are less than long-term average indicators for the end of February in the ploughed layer of soil in the greater territory of the republic, which is due to unusually warm weather.