Review of the agrometeorological situation of August 3, 2018

According to data of agrometeorological observations potato blossom has finished, natural top wilting has started. Visual assessment of potato state are in general good, only some meteorological stations of Vitebsk, Minsk and Gomel regions have lowered assessment to satisfactory because of damage of potato by late blight.
Average mass of tuber under one plant is higher than last year in most of the observed fields. Average mass of tuber under one plant was in general from 500 gr to 970 gr at the end of July, on early implantations – 1 kg and more, only in some areas of Gomel and Vitebsk regions – less, about 400-460 gr. There are from 10 to 19 tubers under one plant (meteorological station Vysokoye – 23 tubers). Predominantly 30-50%, in some sites – 60-65% of tubers have reached normal size. Only some meteorological stations gave information about 20% and less of tubers which have reached normal size.
In view of hot weather at the beginning of August, conditions for tuber growth have worsened. According to recent observation data, average soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about +23 +28°С in most of the country which is noticeably higher than the optimal one.