Overview of agrometeorological situation of September 27, 2024

The passing rains gradually moisten the topsoil. However, on the morning of September 27 there was still little moisture in the soil horizon in most of the territory of Belarus. Good moistening of the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is noted only in places throughout the republic. In most areas of the eastern half of the country and in some areas of the Brest region the soil remains dry at a depth of 10 cm. Difficult conditions remain for the emergence of seedlings and the further development of winter crops. The treatment of desiccated soils is difficult.
In the near future the expected rains should increase the areas with good moistening of the upper soil layer.
At the beginning of next week the probability of night frosts up to 0.2° C is not excluded in places across the republic. Dug-up agricultural products should not be left without shelter in the fields.
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